SCLS Administrative Council Minutes

August 17, 2023, 10:00 a. m.

Virtual Meeting


Action Items:  None

Present: N. Menzel (1), R. Staveness (2), B. Massei (3), L. Oathout (4), J. Bergin (5), J. Porter (6), J. Ramsey (7), J. Gretzinger (8), M. Gartler, S. Lee, M. Navarre Saaf (11-13) (The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)  

Absent: T. Herold (9-10)

Recorder:  H. Moe 

SCLS Staff Present: J. Anderson, C. Baumann, V. Teal Lovely, M. Van Pelt

Call to Order:  J. Ramsey called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m.  

a.   Introduction of guests/visitors: Nicole Menzel, ROM, Brenda Massei, MNT

b.   Changes/Addition to the Agenda: None

c.    Requests to address the Council: None


Approval of previous meeting minutes: 6/15/2023 AC Minutes, 7/20/2023 AD Minutes

a. Motion:  M. Gartler moved approval of the 6/15/2023 AC Minutes and 7/20/2023 AD Minutes.  R. Staveness seconded.

b. Discussion:  None
c. Vote:  Motion carried.


Action items:

Reports of action of committees/workgroups

a. Delivery Committee- Met 8/10/2023.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.    

b. ILS Committee – Met 8/2/2023.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the ILS report. 

c. Technology Committee – Met 8/2/2023.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the Technology Report. 

d. Consultants: You may view the report in the AC documents online. 

e. Library Innovation Subcommittee:   Did not meet.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  

f. Building Update:  M. Van Pelt shared pictures of the progress of the delivery addition.  Keller noted the remodeling of the existing building will be finished 9/1.  Yerges Movers will move items from the long term storage (breakroom) into the new offices 9/18.  The next SCLS Board meeting will be held in person at the building 9/28.  As of 10/1 SCLS staff will be required to be in the building for meetings.  Library staff have the option to continue to participate in meetings online. 

The SCLS Personnel and Budget & Finance Committees met and will recommend the 2024 budget to the SCLS Board.  SCLS will receive additional state aid in 2024 and a large majority of it will be going toward delivery as well as ILS projects.  SCLS staff will receive a 2 percent increase, which hasn’t occurred in 13 years. 

Items from clusters for initial discussion:  None

Discussion:  Cluster representative elections have begun.


Next meeting: AC Meeting – 9/21/2023 – Agenda items to include SCLS system plan and 2024 budget.

Meeting evaluation and Summary: 


Adjournment:  11:04 a.m.


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Martha Van Pelt.

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
