SCLS Administrative Council Minutes

SCLS HQ – Chester Room
August 18, 2022, 10:00 a. m.

Virtual Meeting online and in-person


Action Items:  None

Present: R. Staveness (2), L. Oathout (4), J. Ramsey (7), W. Rawson (8), T. Herold (9-10), M. Navarre Saaf (11-13)

(The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)  

Excused: R. Daley (1), Vacant (3), J. Bergin (5), J. Porter (6)


Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: J. Anderson, C. Baumann, V. Teal Lovely, M. Van Pelt

Call to Order:  L. Oathout, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  

a.   Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.   Changes/Addition to the Agenda: None

c.    Requests to address the Council: None


Approval of previous meeting minutes: 6/16/2022 AC Minutes; 7/21/2022 AD Minutes

a. Approved by motion: J. Ramsey moved approval of the 6/16/2022 AC Minutes and 7/21/2022 AD Minutes.  M. Navarre Saaf seconded.

b. Changes or Corrections:  None
c. Vote:  Motion carried.


Action items:  None

Reports of action of committees/workgroups

a.                  Delivery Committee- Met 8/11/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  There have been staffing shortages recently and it is causing challenges.  Route consolidation plans were been put into effect late July to maximize the capacity of trucks due to diesel fuel cost.  An accident response plan is being developed to address employees who may receive an injury, but can continue to work their hours by performing light duties, thus keeping them on payroll, and avoiding a workers compensation claim. 

b.      ILS Committee – Met 8/3/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the ILS report.   

c.       Technology Committee – Met 6/1/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the Technology Report.     

d.         Consultants: You may view the report in the AC documents online.    

e.         Library Innovation Subcommittee:   Met 8/9/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online. 

f.                    Building Needs Assessment Work Group:  M. Van Pelt noted the Cornerstone donations will go toward the professional collection space.  The Cornerstone Event will be held at the Lone Girl Brewing Company in Waunakee on September 15th.  We received a sketch from Keller of the Lakeland University building to accommodate SCLS and Keller will present the budget for the remodel at the BNAW meeting on 9/1.  SCLS has $1 million to put toward the remodeling.  The SCLS board will vote at the September meeting to determine if we will continue with the Lakeland University property.   The SCLS board will also sign the paperwork to terminate the property at Walton Commons and request the earnest funds back in August.  

Items from clusters for initial discussion: None


a.      Cluster representative elections are coming up.  Each cluster will receive a nomination for open positions.  Just a reminder that representatives may stay on a committee for eternity J

Meeting evaluation and Summary: 


Next meetings:  September 15th
              Agenda Items to include 2023 SCLS system plan and budget


Adjournment: 11:05 a.m.


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Martha Van Pelt.

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
