SCLS All Directors Meeting

May 19, 2022

Olbrich Gardens at 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison

& via Zoom


All voting will be done electronically – you need to have access to an internet capable device at or during the meeting.



9:30     Coffee and light refreshments


10:00    Introduction of New Directors                                            Martha Van Pelt


10:02    Service Priorities & 2023 Budgets

            Technology                                                                  Vicki Teal Lovely


Multi-part DVD vote  

Would your library like to begin packaging and circulating multi-part fiction television series and mini-series DVD* sets together, starting with new titles in LINKcat beginning on September 1?       

*DVD includes BluRay. DVD and BluRay sets will remain distinct in the catalog.             


Local Holds update                            


            Delivery                                                                       Corey Baumann

Public Library System Redesign update                      

Cost Formula


Break (10 min)


Administration & Consulting                                       Jean Anderson & Kerrie Goeden

                                    2023 Agreements:                                            Martha Van Pelt

Statutory Resource Services Agreement

Supplementary Resource Services Agreement


2023 Databases                                                                     Martha Van Pelt

WPLC OverDrive & Magazines

SCLS Advantage account and vote

Keep the SCLS shared Advantage account amount at $20,000.  Yes /No

Transparent Language


Building Needs Assessment Workgroup update               Kerrie Goeden


12:30    Adjourn


12:30    Lunch - Box lunches catered by Cranberry Creek – cost $12.00 each