South Central Library System Board of Trustees Minutes
11/19/2021, 12:15 p.m.

Chester Room
4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 101, Madison, WI  53718

Meeting held remotely via BlueJeans & in person


Action Items: 
Approved Updated Employee policies: Sick Time, End of Employment, Bereavement leave, Severe Weather, Working Remotely

Present: B. Clendenning, P. Cox, S. Elwell, N. Foth, M. Furgal, J. Healy-Plotkin, J. Honl, N. Long, M. Nelson, R. Nelson, G. Poulson, T. Walske, K. Williams

Absent: N. Brien, S. Feith

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: M. Van Pelt, K. Goeden, Corey Baumann


Call to Order: 12:15 p.m.  J. Healy-Plotkin, President

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors: Shannon Schultz, DPI

b.   Changes/additions to the agenda:  Add Personnel report to committee reports.

c.   Requests to address the Board:  None 

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 10/28/2021  

            a.   Motion:  K. Williams moved approval of the 10/28/2021 minutes.  T. Walske seconded.    
            b.   Changes or corrections: 

            c.   Vote:  Motion carried.

Financial Statements:  K. Goeden provided an overview of the financial statements. 

Bills for Payments:  The payment amount is $247,739.84

a.   Motion:  K. Williams moved approval of the bills for payment.  M. Nelson seconded.

b.   Discussion:  None.

            c.    Vote:  Motion carried.


Presentation 1:  Shannon Schultz, Public Library Administration Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction – Role of Trustees

You may view her Power Point presentation in the documents online. Trustee Liability

Systems in Wisconsin are truly unique and very autonomous. Wisconsin is the only state with this set up.  They are “rainbow unicorns”. The statutes are enabling but not prescriptive.
Has DPI come across scenarios in Wisconsin where interaction is required with a board or a board member that is not acting appropriately?
Not at a system level, but compliance issues have occurred with local libraries, for instance a director that has not completed the required certification.  System Directors meetings are occurring weekly to help engage the directors and share questions and concerns.

It was requested that an explanation of Chapter 43 as “enabling and not prescriptive” be expanded upon.  Chapter 43 provides the guiderails, but not how to drive.  It doesn’t provide details or step by step instructions but more how to go about doing things without specific details. Chapter 43 has no sense of flow so it can be vague and confusing for boards due to the lack of clear cut answers.
 SCLS has insurance for our board, director and Finance Coordinator.  Is that necessary? 
DPI has never experienced a need for the insurance.  The statute provides the protection.  It is uncommon for a public library to be sued for a willful act.  The board as a whole takes action, not an individual trustee.   

Committee Reports

a. Advocacy: Trustees are library advocates.  What have you done in the last month to promote libraries?

b. Bylaws: Will meet following this meeting.

c. Nomination: The slate of officers will be presented to the board at the December meeting and will vote for the following in January: G. Poulson- President; S. Elwell- V. President; M. Nelson- Secretary; N. Foth- Treasurer.
d. Personnel: M. Nelson noted the committee conducted the 2021 performance review and goals for the System Director.  The committee approved the 2022 System Director goals and also reviewed the 5 personnel policies and as a committee recommended the changes as proposed to the updated employee policies.


Action Items

            a. Approve updated employee policies

                        i. Sick Time

a. Motion:  M. Nelson moved approval of the sick time policy change.  S. Elwell seconded. 

b. Discussion: None

c. Vote: Motion carried.


ii. End of Employment
a. Motion:  J. Honl moved approval of the end of employment policy change.  M. Furgal seconded. 

b. Discussion: None

c. Vote: Motion carried.


                        iii. Bereavement Leave

a. Motion:  N. Foth moved approval of the bereavement leave policy change.  P. Cox seconded. 

b. Discussion: None

c. Vote: Motion carried.


                        iv. Severe weather

a. Motion:  G. Poulson moved approval of the severe weather policy change.  N. Long seconded. 

b. Discussion: None

c. Vote: Motion carried.


            v. Working Remotely

                        a. Motion:  P. Cox moved approval of the working remotely policy.  M. Nelson seconded.

                        b. Discussion: None

                        c. Vote: Motion carried.

SCLS Foundation Report:  M. Van Pelt noted the committee met 10/28/2021.


System Director's Report:  You may view the System Director report online.  M. Van Pelt noted Marathon County Public Library has hired Leah Giordano as their new director.  The Marathon County board also met with the Wisconsin Valley Library System (WVLS) to discuss an expectation assessment and created a task force with four tenets that WVLS has to improve in order for Marathon County to remain in the WVLS system.  They will continue to meet quarterly to discuss the proposed changes to see how things are coming along.  SCLS applied for three ARPA grants on behalf of its members and submitted the pre-applications.  We will find out the last week of November if we can move to the next step of the process.  A  BNAW update was provided.  J. Healy-Plotkin requested the System Director Report provide a brief update of the building process as well as the timeline of the steps required with the City of Madison.

Presentation 2:  Corey Baumann, SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator – future statewide delivery plan:  You may review the Power Point presentation in the documents online.


Administrative Council (AC) Report:  Cancelled due to the WLA Annual Conference. 

Other Business: 

            a. 2022 Committees:  Start thinking about which committees you would like to serve on in 2022 including staying on your current committee.  Send requests and updates to Heidi Moe.


Information sharing: 

Adjournment:  1:55 p.m.


For more information about the Board of Trustees, contact Martha Van Pelt

