South Central Library System Board of Trustees Minutes
12/16/2022, 12:15 p.m.

Chester Room
4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 101, Madison, WI  53718

Meeting held via BlueJeans & in person

Action Items: 
Approved the agreement with the newly formed Prairie Lakes Library System Agreement (formerly the Lakeshores and Arrowhead Library Systems)


Present: B. Clendenning, S. Feith, N. Foth, M. Furgal, E. Galanter, J. Honl, G. Poulson, L. Ross, T. Walske, K. Williams, J. Wright

Absent: N. Brien, P. Cox, T. Teelin

Excused:  M. Nelson

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: M. Van Pelt, K. Goeden


Call to Order: 12:15 p.m.  G. Poulson, President

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors:  None

b.      Requests to address the Board:  None

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 11/18/2022

a.   Motion:  J. Wright moved approval of the 11/18/2022 minutes.  Motion seconded.    
b.   Changes or corrections:  None

            c.   Vote:  Motion carried.


Financial Statements:  K. Goeden provided an overview of the financial statements. 

Bills for Payments:  The payment amount is $158,199.15

a.   Motion:  B. Clendenning reviewed the bills for payment and moved approval of the bills for payment.  N. Foth seconded.

b.   Discussion:  S. Feith inquired about the Pankratz property settlement statement.  An updated settlement statement has been posted to the website.     

            c.    Vote:  Motion carried.

Presentation: None

Committee Reports:  Please let us know what committee you would like to serve in 2024.  Send your picks to H. Moe.  Library Legislative day is February 7th.  SCLS pays the WLA membership fees for the SCLS Board and up to $100 for the member library directors. 

a. Personnel: No report.
b. Advocacy:  No report. 

c.  Building Needs Assessment Work Group:  M. Van Pelt noted the work group met 12/15/2022.  SCLS closed on the purchase of 1650 Pankratz St. 12/2/2022.  The security system in the building will stay in place since it is tied to the fire alarm and security alarm.  The three neighbor associations have been notified of the building plans, per the urban development regulations.  The delivery garage size sorting floor is being decreased by 1,000 sq. ft. which will prevent interference with the sanitation lines and transformers.  It also allows more room for the trucks to swing into the garage as well as a reduction in cost. 
The data center proposal is coming in less costly than anticipated and there is an outlined plan to install the data center Memorial Day weekend.

The construction documents will go to bid 2/1/23.  The bid opening will be 3/1/23.  The board will review those bids at their March meeting.  Specific areas, alternate bids, have been outlined where savings can be made if the bids come in over budget.  The tides have started to turn in our favor.  Subcontractors are looking for work and prices are stabilizing for lumber and steel. 
K. Williams noted the cost reduction potentials for alternate bids include cubicles instead of office rooms, concrete instead of rubber flooring in delivery, and no ceiling tiles in sorting floor.  J. Honl noted the list of staff accomplishments over the last 42 weeks and the testament that no staff member has been sitting idle during this process. 


d. Nomination Committee:  Slate of 2023 Board Officers

  1. President: Gary Poulson

  2. Vice President:  Joan Honl

  3. Secretary: Mary Nelson

  4. Treasurer: Nancy Foth

The board will vote in January.  If someone would like to be nominated, you may do so.  The term is 3 years.                                                                                                                                        


Action Items:

a. Approve agreement with the newly formed Prairie Lakes Library System Agreement (formerly the Lakeshores and Arrowhead Library Systems).  The agreement will go into effect 1/1/2023 with no changes to the contract, except the system name.


i. Motion: K. Williams moved approval of the agreement with the newly formed Prairie Lakes Library System Agreement (formerly the Lakeshores and Arrowhead Library Systems).  Seconded by S. Feith.

                        ii. Discussion:  None

                        iii. Vote:  Motion carried.


SCLS Foundation Report:  M. Van Pelt noted the next meeting will be in January.  Foundation donations have been approved to pay for the conference room tables and chairs as well as chairs for the professional collection area.

System Director's Report:  You may view the System Director report online.  Ryan Claringbole, director at Monona Public Library, resigned 12/22.  Melissa Everson has been hired as the Albany library director.   




Administrative Council (AC) Report:  Met 12/15/2022.  You may view the minutes online.  The board discussed cybersecurity and the protocols SCLS has in place.  Member libraries need to protect themselves by having an insurance policy in place, since SCLS insurance does not cover the member libraries in the event of a cybersecurity attack at their library.  SCLS has provided Infosec security tutorials to the member libraries and all staff.  

Other Business:  Mileage reimbursement for 2022 needs to be submitted by 12/30/22.

The Foundation needs a member from the SCLS Board to serve on the Foundation Board.
G. Poulson noted the Bylaws committee will need to be reconstituted in 2023. 

Information sharing:  B. Clendenning noted Wood County rose their stipend to 100% funding for the McMillan library, but the city reduced their funding by that amount.  There is an opportunity for education and responsibilities of municipalities for chapter 43 regulations, particularly for representatives who are not supportive of libraries.  M. Van Pelt noted Tracie Miller is the SCLS consultant responsible for public library administration and can assist with helping village and library boards know their responsibilities.  COLAND is also working on better training of village and council representatives. 
There will be an intellectual freedom presentation at the February board meeting.
K. Williams stated she has resigned from the SCLS board.  The board thanked her for her service and support and advocacy of libraries. 

Adjournment:  1:15 p.m.


For more information about the Board of Trustees, contact Martha Van Pelt
