South Central Library System Board of Trustees Minutes
3/24/2022, 12:15 p.m.

Chester Room
4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 101, Madison, WI  53718

Meeting held remotely via BlueJeans & in person

Action Items: 
Approved the 2021 Annual System Report

Present J. Chrisler, B. Clendenning, S. Elwell, S. Feith, N. Foth, M. Furgal, J. Healy-Plotkin, J. Honl,  M. Nelson, R. Nelson,  T. Walske, K. Williams

Excused: G. Poulson

Absent: N. Brien, P. Cox                    

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: M. Van Pelt, K. Goeden

Guests: Devin Flanigan, Keller, Inc.; Justin Fischer and Kevin Mullen, R.W. Baird


Call to Order: 12:15 p.m.  S. Elwell, Vice President

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors:  Justin Fischer and Kevin Mullen, R.W. Baird; Devin Flanigan, Keller, Inc.

b.      Requests to address the Board:  None 

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 2/24/2022 

            a.   Motion:  M. Furgal moved approval of the 2/24/2022 minutes.  K. Williams seconded.    
            b.   Changes or corrections:  None

            c.   Vote:  Motion carried.

Financial Statements:  K. Goeden provided an overview of the financial statements.   

Bills for Payments:  The payment amount is $590,388.96 + $43,486.24= $633,875.20

a.   Motion:  B. Clendenning moved approval of the bills for payment.  M. Furgal seconded.

b.   Discussion:  None.

            c.    Vote:  Motion carried.


Presentation:  Funding Option with Baird – Justin Fischer and Kevin Mullen
You may view the handout in the documents online, which summarizes the potential funding options.

It was suggested that members of the board discuss a plan for approaching the Dane County Finance Committee to inquire whether they would be able/willing to make a recommendation to the Dane County Board of Supervisors to provide funds to SCLS.  Baird is willing to attend that meeting. The SCLS Board will take action on this topic at the April meeting.

Committee Reports

a. Advocacy:  S. Elwell noted SCLS created a “new building” webpage.  The board members are encouraged to donate to the SCLS Foundation and help write grants to fund the building.


Action Items

            a. Approval of Annual System Report

i. Motion:  M. Furgal moved approval of the 2021 Annual System Report.  S. Feith seconded.
ii. Discussion: None
iii. Vote:  Motion carried.

            b. Approval of Easement (TLE) – This will not be voted on at the meeting

D. Flanigan noted the City of Madison rejected the prior easement proposal due to too many trees being cut down.  The plan was re-designed to save all of the trees but one.  We are waiting for the approval by the City of Madison.  Once we receive verification that the plan was approved by the City, the board will vote.    

SCLS Foundation Report:  M. Van Pelt noted she sent an email to the SCLSF Board and SCLS Board about a free grant writing seminar to help apply for funding for the new building project.  T. Walske and M. Van Pelt are working on identifying grants to submit for the Foundation.  Volunteers are needed for grant writing.  M. Van Pelt is creating a handout of frequently asked questions to assist in filling out the grants.  N. Brien and K. Williams are working on finding funding for solar panels for the new building.  

System Director's Report:  You may view the System Director report online.  Building plans will be available to go for bid on April 18th and there will be a bid opening May 12th at Baker Tilley.  K. Williams volunteered to be the board member present to read the bids aloud.  D. Flanigan, Keller, Inc., will create a spreadsheet of the bids and present it to the BNAW.  A second spreadsheet will be created with the final bids of the lowest bidders and it will be presented to the SCLS Board members at the May 26th board meeting for approval.  D. Flanigan will contact the contractors that won the bids.


            a. 2021 Management Discussion & Analysis review: The auditors will present in April and the board will vote to approve the audit.  S. Feith inquired about the two items the auditors noted.  K. Goeden noted both items were not SCLS errors.  The SCLS Foundation was categorized differently from the past auditor and the grant submission portal at DPI was not working, which did not allow SCLS to receive the funding from DPI within the timeframe necessary.


            b. System Effectiveness Statements:  We received 100% system effectiveness from all the member libraries.


Administrative Council (AC) Report:  All Directors Meeting 3/17/22.  

Other Business:  None

Information sharing: M. Van Pelt shared the Marathon County Task Force report, which detailed the on-going work between MCPL and WVLS to resolve issues before deciding to change systems.

1:52 p.m.


For more information about the Board of Trustees, contact Martha Van Pelt

