Building Needs Assessment Work Group Minutes

March 16, 2023 1:00
South Central Library System

4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 101, Madison, WI  53718
Chester Room



Jean Anderson                  SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Corey Baumann                SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Nan Brien                            SCLS Board Trustee

Kerrie Goeden                   SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Deb Haeffner                     SCLS Building Consultant

Gary Poulson                     SCLS Board Trustee and Chair
Jesse Stewart                     SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal Lovely               SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                                   

Martha Van Pelt               SCLS Director    



Devin Flanigan                   Keller Inc.



1.         Call to Order

a. Introduction of guests/visitors

Devin Flanigan, Keller

b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda – discuss cubicles quote and size

c. Public comments - none


2.         Approval of previous meeting minutes:  March 7, 2023

            a.         Motion by J. Stewart to approve the minutes

b.         Second by J. Anderson

c.         Approved; G. Poulson abstained


3.         Reports:

o   Moving Committee Update: V. Teal Lovely

§  Plan for inventory and disposal of items

§  Timeline of what to move, when and where

§  Have received 2 quotes from movers

§  Can use delivery bins for HQ packing-delivery will bring those to HQ

§  Move week of May 23-26

§  May 22 will be last staff meeting and final packing by staff

o   Data Center

§  Fire Suppression equipment has been ordered

§  CT Cabinet and Panel – Ordered through Viking Electric

§  MUFN install updates

·         City has now classed MUFN as an utility

·         SCLS has to sign MOU

·         Keller is in contact with Access, once all of the equipment is in, they will ship everything to Pankratz.  Waiting for 1 item.

§  MG&E and transformer updates

·         MG&E has the new transformer and is ready to install it at Pankratz.  Existing building has an interior CT cabinet now.  Located in electrical closet. In April MGE will install new transformer.  SCLS down for about a week with no electricity in late April. New exterior cabinet will be installed in October 2023.  SCLS electricity will be down for about half day to connect to the new CT cabinet and panel.  They can start at 5:00 am to limit down time to libraries.

·         Electricians met MG&E on site.

§  Existing 3” Spectrum PVC cable to remain in ground.  Need to warn excavators not to damage it.

§  Demarc is in the existing data closet along with telephone lines. (AT&T)  We will have to run telephone lines internally ourselves.  AT&T will be installing more power.

§  Cubicles’ electricity and data install.  Discuss later.

§  W. Allington has met with AT&T but needs more information.

§  3/23/2023 SCLS Board approve subcontractors (packet out 3/16)

§  4/1/2023 Start construction

§  4/24/23 Groundbreaking Celebration in afternoon

·         During National Library Week at Pankratz, tentatively


4.         MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION (roll call vote)

A. Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.  The bids received for the Pankratz building project will be reviewed. Devin Flanigan of Keller Inc. is invited to attend the closed session to present an analysis of the bids received.

Roll Call Vote

Jean Anderson             yes      

Corey Baumann          yes

Nan Brien                    yes

Kerrie Goeden             yes

Deb Haeffner              yes

Gary Poulson               yes

Jesse Stewart              yes

Vicki Teal Lovely          yes                              

Martha Van Pelt          yes      

Motion approved.



Jean Anderson                        

Corey Baumann

Nan Brien       

Kerrie Goeden            

Deb Haeffner 

Gary Poulson  

Jesse Stewart             

Vicki Teal Lovely                                                         

Martha Van Pelt         

Devin Flanigan




6.         Announcements and/or Action Regarding Closed Session Discussions

The work group agreed to put forth several recommended action items to the SCLS Board of Trustees:

            a.         Approve proposed building project funding package

b.         Approve bid package for Pankratz project with recommended subcontractors from Keller

c.         Accept alternate bid of office pods of $118,000

            d.         Authorize amendment to A133-2019 Exhibit A

            e.         Authorize appropriate SCLS board member to sign contracts

            f.          Approve $900,000 down payment to Keller, Inc. to begin construction



·         K. Goeden and M. Van Pelt visited Office Furniture Warehouse to look for used cubicles.  SCLS needs 10 units of 6x7 or 6x8 with lower locking filing drawer, upper cabinet, 5’6” tall, with channel for electrical/data. 

·         Received quote of $13, 325 for a set of (10) 6x7’ cubicles.  Price includes delivery, installation and electrical connection.  BNAW approved moving forward with this package. 

·         Cost to upgrade to 6x8’ is an extra $50 per cubicle.  Consensus to purchase the larger 6x8’ cubicles.

·         D. Flanigan will schedule walk through with electrician on May 1, 2023 at 2:00.  Major electrical install for cubicles will occur before May 9, 2023.  Plan to install cubicles May 15, 2023 with electrician on site to connect electrical.

·         D. Flanigan thinks the office pods can be done shortly after the cubicles – meaning late May or early June.  They will probably be built on top of the carpet.



C. Baumann asked which room in Pankratz would be best to set up a pilot model of new shelving for Delivery sorting.  D. Flanigan said the southwest classroom would be the best choice.


8.         Topics tabled for Upcoming meetings:

·         Schedule Admin and Delivery meetings to discuss shared HR and filing spaces

·         Outline plan of how SCLS will operate during construction post Memorial Day.


9.         Homework for Next Meeting: 

·         V. Teal Lovely will send out email survey to cubicle folks for 6x8 cubicles.  Choice of 1 filing drawer and 1 overhead cabinet or 2 filing drawers.  Also can select style of filing drawers. Staff may choose 2 items total.  Selections due Monday, March 20.

·         K. Goeden will change carpet cleaning to May 9, 2023. 

·         D. Flanigan will follow up on bird safe glass requirements.  If we reduce the size of the delivery window by the sorting floor, will that remove the requirement to have bird safe glass?  Windows 50 sf or larger require bird safe glass.

·         M. Van Pelt will send the cubicle electrical info to D. Flanigan and the cubicle brand to D. Haeffner.

·         M. Van Pelt will schedule cubicle install with Office Furniture Warehouse on May 15, 2023.

·         M. Van Pelt will work with Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction to sell whiteboards and moveable walls from Pankratz.


10.       Next Meeting:  April 6, 2023


11.       Adjournment: 2:35 pm


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