Building Needs Assessment Work Group Agenda

May 9, 2019, 10:00 a.m.

SCLS Headquarters

Badger Room


Meeting Documents:

To phone into a meeting: 866-226-4650 (access code:  461-0318-2019)


Call to Order:


Approval of previous meeting minutes:  April 4, 2019


Action items:

Select new July meeting date






Technology Services



a.      Review space needs:  Mark

a.      Optimum office sizes

                                                              i.      Standard

                                                             ii.      Supervisor

b.      Huddle Room size

c.       Number of Huddle Rooms

b.      Review # of supervisors and staff currently:  Mark

c.       Review delivery dock, sorting area and garage space needs:  Corey and Jessie

d.      Review idea of focus group to discuss workflow and space needs for shared spaces:  Corey



Homework for Next Meeting: 

Select next topic from Combined Dept List of Building Needs- Must Have-Structural


Next Meeting Date:  6/6/2019





Corey Baumann          SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Nan Brien                    SCLS Board Trustee

Kerrie Goeden             SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Mark Ibach                  SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Jesse Stewart              SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal                     SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                                  

Kristie Williams           SCLS Board Trustee

Martha Van Pelt          SCLS Director