Building Needs Assessment Work Group Minutes

November 18, 2021 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Hybrid Meeting in person at 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Chester Room; masks required

Or Virtual Via BlueJeans


Meeting Documents:

Login information

1.     Phone: 1-866-226-4650 and use access code: 461-0318-2019.

a.     Press the # button to enter meeting as a participant.

2.     Web site:

Present:  Kerrie Goeden, Corey Baumann (notetaker), Deb Haeffner, Devin Flanigan (Keller), Mark Ibach, Rob Lindstrom (Keller), Martha Van Pelt (virtual)

Absent:  Nan Brien, Kristi Williams, Jesse Stewart, Vicki Teal Lovely

1:00:    Call to Order


1:02:    Approval of previous meeting minutes:  November 4, 2021

            M. Ibach, Moved.  D. Haeffner Seconded.  Voted in favor by all.


1:05:    Reports:


·       Collaborative Space Team Updates – D. Haeffner

o   Doodle went out

o   By 12/9 is the latest according to responses (12/2 is earliest)

o   Will strive to get participation for everybody if they miss one.

·       Coordinator Meeting feedback on floor plans and suggested savings – K. Goeden

o   Discussion for today; Will review today

o   Coordinators met last Wednesday, discussed all of the space/cost reductions sent by D. Flanigan, added more ideas to the list and sent all feedback to Keller.

·       Dane County Historical Society Status – M. Van Pelt

o   Closed the file folder on this

o   They wanted “public hours” which could not be accommodated

o   Rent was a non-starter

·       Timeline Update – D. Flanigan

o   Land:  11/16 motion has been introduced; City of Madison Finance Committee next Monday, 11/22; Agenda posted 11/19; Encouraged BNAW members to register in support of the project and available to answer questions ;

o   Before the Common Council Tuesday, December 7 @6:30pm (agenda posted on 12/3) also encouraged to register in support.  This is where final city approval will happen.

o   Work on the PSA will not begin until after Thanksgiving (according to City Attorney)

o   Referred to current timeline “Road Map” that K. Goeden emailed out.








1:25:    Discussion:

·       Review questions, concerns and changes to floor plans and budget

o   Reviewed space needs by each department

o   Coordinators minutes supplied to Keller

o   Suggestion to reduce office sizes from 12x10 to 10x 10:  Tabled this for now; too tight with our current furniture

o   Other suggestions:

§  Reduce size of D. Haeffner’s office

§  MVP smaller with removal of conference table

§  Squaring off the building

·       Will result in some interior offices

·       Leans more to the Tech team (the west end and south on the most recent design),  Mostly remote staff will be assigned interior offices.

§  Eliminate the collaborative meeting space

§  Eliminate 1 delivery office

§  Main bathrooms:  reduce 1 women’s stall and sink (could be code dictated)

§  Delivery:

·       Removing the hallway between docks and sort room

·       Moving the locker room to the delivery “spare office” better positioned too

·       Parking cut from the far east end

§  Storage:

·       The 4 corner storage areas:  Cut two of them (maintain Consultant and ILS).  Cut the Tech and the Admin storage units

§  Tech:

·       Tech storage room: 250 sq feet would be OK

·       Prep down to 630 sq feet

·       Data center needs to include work stations and servers. Space to be determined by the data/server room consultants.

§  Training rooms:

·       Eliminate 1

·       Eliminate the large storage

·       Shrink the kitchen

·       M. Ibach asked about the viability of maintaining 3 rooms even if smaller overall.  Determined that having extra movable walls would take up too much space and be more costly.  Sticking to one divider wall.

·       Keep some meeting room storage, use the locker room space

§  Huddle rooms

·       Eliminate 1 large room

·       Tech will need one of the huddle rooms to be equipped according to their needs and will need to have priority over using this space.  When not in use, it will be shared with other departments.  ILS may use this huddle room too, TBD.

·       Other large huddle room needs to be accessible to Admin, Consults, and Delivery

o   Would like larger spaces than designed  (16x20 if possible)

·       Small huddle at Admin is to be kept

§  Work room:

·       Current 576 sq feet.

·       Suggested size is 570 sq feet.

·       Can shave off a couple feet either direction if needed

§  Maker space:

·       Need 250’  (exists at 280 now)

·       Move it toward delivery to take advantage of higher vertical space?

·       12 ft. height is what Keller has on the plans

§  Mechanical equipment

·       Can make it smaller but need to maintain a work station and storage somewhere, whether it’s in this space or somewhere else.

§  Mezzanine would need a minimum height for ceiling.  Adding a mezzanine type of storage would require posts in delivery.  Trying to avoid any posts.  Will explore options to add storage above janitorial space or other area.

§  Roof overhang over the dock

·       Want at least 8 feet

§  Digitization and Recording

·       Eliminate the recording room

·       Digitization room:  keep for now.  If we had to remove it then we’d need to add space to T. Ramski’s office, so would not save much space.

§  Partition walls in the bathroom OK

§  Sidelights were on the table to remove.  Sidelights for interior offices only?  More discussion needed here.

§  Landscaping

·       Centennial tree for points

·       D. Haeffner is not a certified landscape architect, so she will not be able to submit plans.

§  One-story entry is fine with staff as long as it is

·       Obvious

·       Nice

·       Photos sent

·       Keller explained that a higher profile entry is probably going to be required

§  Hallway on South side

·       Windows desired

·       Natural light option for the south end of the meeting room

o   Double door?

o   Transom?

§  Keller to bid the steel

§  Parking

·       (see above)

·       The squared off building will need to be shifted to the east on the site map and may require the elimination of a row of parking on the east side

§  Professional Collection

·       Consolidate the space;  does not need to be a separate room

·       Can make the lobby and professional collection smaller

·       Pivot the restrooms to face the meeting rooms?

§  Breakroom:

·       Remove the section of the hallway

·       Move door to the outside so that there is a direct exit to the patio from the staff lounge.  Find a different location for the emergency exit

·       Move the door to the lounge to what is now the entrance to the hallway

·       Using the patio in winter would make it cold in the staff lounge when the door gets opened.  Staff probably won’t use it in the winter anyway.

§  File Room:

·       Needs to be closer to Heidi

·       Between Heidi and Kerrie or in vacated space from the professional collection is ok

o   Review exterior design preferences

§  Squaring up the building provides the opportunity to use a pre-engineered metal building

§  Other options for construction are

·       pre-cast concrete (50 weeks)

·       Bar Joist

·       D. Flanigan will summarize each for the group

o   D. Haeffner shared photos and talked through options for exterior materials

§  Mixing of materials was preferred by the group (wood, stone, metal)

o   Consensus on sloped roof

o   2 square buildings:  tilting to the east (garage) and the north (the main building) connected with an entrance

o   50 year roof system

o   Discussed material appearances (tones)

§  Long-Board (metal that looks like wood); may have more expense, but long-lasting and nice appearance

o   D. Flanigan “drew a line” on the site map from the pond to the patio to delineate the portions of the building that will need more aesthetic attention to satisfy city.  The southwest section visible to the road will need a nicer façade.  North east section of the building can be metal.


Topics tabled for Future Meetings:


·       Review interior design preferences

·       Need to have an industrial ceiling vs closed ceiling aesthetic discussion

o   Does not save money to leave open.  Open or closed involves different building issues.

·       Schedule Admin and Delivery meetings to discuss shared spaces


CONSENSUS (includes newly added consensus points as of 10/28/20) 


·       Flexibility

·       Hybrid of remote and on site - not 100% either way for most staff.

·       Design for job needs and requirements not staff member.

·       Collaboration and/or individual work can be done at home or onsite as appropriate.

·       Set schedules so everyone is accessible no matter where they are working.

·       Need to maintain in-person relationships (work and personal).

·       The “team” at SCLS is 50+ people with several smaller teams; admin, delivery, tech, ILS and consultants.

·       Staff will maintain their individual offices, but offices will be more equitably sized.

·       Collaborative space will be added (labs, shared soft spaces) and other common spaces such as the work room, deliverables room and meeting room sizes will be reduced to accommodate the new spaces.

·       Staff will be allowed to work remotely and/or in the office as their positions and duties allow with the understanding that there will be times all staff are required to report in person in order to facilitate and maintain staff working relationships.


2:55:    Homework for Next Meeting: 

·       City of Madison Finance Committee next Monday, 11/22; Agenda posted 11/19; Encouraged BNAW members to register in support of the project and available to answer questions

·       Before the Common Council Tuesday, December 7 @6:30pm (agenda posted on 12/3) also encouraged to register in support.  This is where final city approval will happen.



Next Meeting Date:  12/02/21 at 10:00 a.m.


3:00:    Adjournment


Parking Lot:


·       Create staff workgroup to help select interior furnishings

·       Notify Michelle Drea at the City of Madison Assessor’s office when we purchase a site.




Corey Baumann          SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Nan Brien                    SCLS Board Trustee

Kerrie Goeden             SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Mark Ibach                  SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Jesse Stewart              SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal                     SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                                 

Kristi Williams             SCLS Board Trustee

Martha Van Pelt         SCLS Director