Circulation Services Subcommittee Minutes

December 8, 2020, 1 pm

Phone/web conference


Action Items:



Present: Steev Baker (SUN), Jeff Kauffeld (MAD), Margie Navarre-Saaf (MAD), Emily Harkins (WAU), Bailey Anderson (STO), Erica Kersten (PIN), Eddie Glade (STP), Barbara Henderson (MID), Jo Clark (REE), Autumn Baumann (POR), Tanya Bolchen (FCH), Emily Noffke (MTH)

Excused: Kelly Heasty (MCF)

Absent: Zach Ott (BAR), Ronda Evenson (VER),

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Heidi Oliversen, Vicki Teal Lovely, Cindy Weber



1.      Call to Order at 1:03 pm

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      Tracie Miller (WYO), Jeff Pond (MRO)

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

c.       Requests to address the Committee


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: November 10, 2020

a.      Motion:  not required.

b.      Discussion: no discussion.

c.       Vote: Approval by consensus


3.      Action Items

a.      None.


4.      Discussion

a.      RFID tagging guidelines – placement by item format

                                                              i.      Discussion:  Tracie was hired by SCLS to create updated RFID project plans and documentation and assist the libraries that received the CARES grant with installation and training of RFID tagging workstations.  She used the existing guidelines for Tagging RFID by Format, documents from the vendors and came up with a simple, task-oriented document that these new libraries can use when they start tagging their materials.  The  CSS reviewed the document and made the following suggestions:

1.      Books: Strongly suggest libraries place the tags closer to the spines, even if the tag is not hidden.  Have to be about ¼ inch from the spine – do not put in the crease of the spine. Tracie will change lines 6 and 7 to read that placing tags on Board books, and magazines is a local library decision for their own materials.  Do not tag other library’s board books and magazines.  Line 8 is about tagging kits – should this be changed to a local library decision as well?  Will libraries prefer to keep kits as barcode read only as staff need to check number of pieces?  PIN and MAD state that they tag the book, or CD case or box the book comes in.  Best to leave it up to the libraries. Under the section header, add “For New items”.  Add information about first checking for an existing tag for non-new materials.

2.      CDs, DVDs, Playaways, etc.:  Discs tend to contain more metal so it is hard to place tags for clear reading.  Current practice for CDs and DVDs is to place a square or rectangular tag on the blank side of the “back cover” of the paper insert and in the corners near the ‘spine’.  Discussion about offering hub tags as an option.  Right now only Madison seems to be using hub tags.  Tracie will talk to the project libraries about their preferences about using square or rectangular tags or hub tags for discs.  They will be busy tagging books for a few months so we have some time open to review this practice. She will test placing tags in various places on both top and bottom cover of the cases to test efficacy of tagging locations.  Will edit and send to Heidi for review.  Then will bring test results and changes to the document to the January 2021 meeting

b.      Review changes to Check In section

                                                              i.      Discussion:  Members submitted changes to the Manual.  Discussed the submissions, made further suggested and approved changes.  Heidi will convert Google doc back into a Word doc, clean up the formatting and send it out to the members for final approval before posting.

5.      Plan for Next meeting:  January 12, 2021

a.      Review Circulation Manual Section IV Renewals

                                                              i.      Heidi will post as Google doc and send link to Subcommittee members.


6.      Adjournment at 3:02 pm



For more information about the Circulation Services Subcommittee, contact Heidi Oliversen.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Circulation Services Subcommittee/Minutes/12-2020