Collection Maintenance Subcommittee Minutes

March 10, 2021, 9:30 am

Phone/video conference


Action Items:



Present: Kate Odahowski (MAD), Molly Warren (MAD), Tina Marie Maes (MAD), Sarah Hartman (MID), Laura Schmiedicke (MRO), Amy Lawrence (MCF), Theresa Skov (VER), LuAnn Kranz (DFT), Celine Metzig (WAU), Sarah Bukrey (STO)

Absent: Alison Wirth (STP), Jennifer Hepler (POR)

Excused: None

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Kayla Linke


1.      Call to Order at 9:33 am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      None.

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      None.

c.       Requests to address the Committee

                                                              i.      None.

2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: January 13, 2021

a.      Motion: The January meeting minutes were approved by consensus.

b.      Discussion: none.

c.       Vote: motion carried.

3.      Action Items

a.      None.

4.      Discussion

a.      Updates from previous meetings

                                                              i.      Discontinue Serials BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy

1.      Approved by ILS Committee February 3, 2021

2.      Discussion: A. Gannaway listed this policy under the discontinued policies heading on the policies page.  It will be deleted in the future.

b.      Update on Spanish language subject headings

                                                              i.      Discussion: K. Linke talked with Backstage (authority control vendor) and the next time we send in records (April 2021) they will add in a subject heading to all of our Spanish items “Materiales en español.” 

c.       Update on Multi-part DVDs Workgroup

                                                              i.      Discussion: A. Gannaway reported that there is now a web page for the Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup and their first meeting was on March 2.  Initially we thought we would be able to bring something to the ILS Committee in April, get feedback from libraries, and go back to the ILS Committee in June for final approval.  After the first meeting, a lot of different issues/opinions were expressed and there needs to be a more comprehensive way to get feedback from staff and patrons before we decide how to move forward.  The timeline for this group will be extended and the next meeting is tentatively planned for April.  

d.      Bibliovation questions and/or discussion

                                                              i.      Discussion: T. Maes mentioned that MAD is doing a clean-up of items on order for more than a few years.  Libraries may see emails about these items.  MRO asked if weeding reports by shelving location could be made on-demand.  M. Karls will mention this to C. Weber about creating this report and the timeline will depend on the other projects she is currently working on.

5.      Plan for Next meeting:  May 12, 2021 at 9:30 am

6.      Adjournment at 9:49 am.


For more information about the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee, contact Amy Gannaway.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Collection Maintenance Subcommittee/Minutes/03-2021