Delivery Committee Minutes

December 14, 10:00 am

Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans


Action Items: None

: Amy Trumble (NGL), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Eric Norton (MCM), Nicole Menzel (ROM), Lisa Renier (SKC) Janet Schroeder (POCO), & Amanda Wakeman (COL)

Excused:  Mark Penner (MAD), Todd Cox (DCL), & Jen Foster (FCH)

Recorder: Corey Baumann

SCLS staff present: Marty Van Pelt, Heidi Oliversen


1.      Call to order time 10:05am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda:  None

c.       Requests to address the Committee:  None


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes:  

a.      Minutes for August meeting were unanimously approved.

                                                              i.      Motion: 

                                                             ii.      Second: 


3.      Action items : 

a.      No action items



4.      Discussion items:

a.      Delivery building update:

                                                              i.      Corey updated the committee on the current progress of the delivery addition.  The building is completed and awaiting final cleaning, minor installations, and an occupancy certificate.

                                                             ii.      Delivery is scheduled to move in during the MLK holiday fully and seeks to limit the impact on routine service.  MLK Day delivery service is to be determined.  If it occurs at all, it will be local to Madison.  Expect longer transit times while we get our details in order.  It may take a week to get items through the process and most major issues resolved.




b.      New Route Pathways:

                                                              i.      New route pathways are being explored and we will have some adjustments.  Combined with our staffing, we will drop afternoon return stops to Hawthorne, Lakeview, and Meadowridge.  This will allow us to keep those routes shorter and more efficient while we staff back up and get acclimated to our new departure point.

                                                             ii.      Routes headed north will (on average) arrive at destinations about 15 minutes earlier than today.  They will also return 15 minutes earlier (total of about 30 minutes per route.  This would be for Portage County, Adams-Wood, and Columbia.  Sauk County should remain the same.  Green County will have the reverse situation:  15 minutes later for arrival and return to base.  Local Madison routes and suburban Dane County will have challenges due to having our facility leaning toward the east side of the city.  We will look to mitigate those issues by making route new route partners. Of both east and west sides together wherever they can limit route times.

c.       Staffing Update

                                                              i.      Delivery staffing has taken the hit of a couple of full-time departures.  In our current job market, we have some difficulty competing for new hires.  Currently, we have a couple of offers out to a pair of full-time candidates and at least one part-time applicant.  The on-boarding process can be long, so upon a new hire, we often have at least two weeks before someone is able to assume a regular schedule and route assignment.  Our team behind the scenes has streamlined our application process to eliminate some delays and also spread the vacancy notices much further.  We will continue to expedite the process as quickly as we can to get ourselves back to expected staffing as soon as possible.

                                                             ii.      The staffing issues have caused us to make some routing decisions that cause either delayed or cancelled stops.  We strive to limit those as much as possible, but we realize that making at least one stop per day is our priority over any full-day cancellations.  We will also entertain creative solutions, which may include delivery on a Saturday or Sunday if it means we are losing a route on a Friday or Monday.  As always, we will inform those who are impacted as soon as possible in an effort to keep library staffing aligned with our arrival times.



5.      Reports (for Committees only)

a.      No Reports


6.      Items from clusters (for Committees only)

a.      No Items from clusters


7.      Plan for next meeting:

a.      Thursday, February 8, 2024


8.      Adjournment:  10:50am


9.      For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann  or 608-266-4695


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

Delivery Committee/Minutes/12-14-2023