Delivery Committee Minutes

February 10, 10:00 am

Virtual & Hybrid Meeting via BlueJeans


Action Items: None

: Corey Baumann (SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator & Committee Chair), Renee Daley (ROM), Jen Foster (FCH), Janet Schroeder (STP), Lisa Renier (SKC), Eric Norton (MCM), Jodi Bailey (POY), Leah Fritsche (DEE), and Todd Cox (DCL)

Absent:  Doug Smith (HAW), Angela Noel (BRD)


Recorder: Corey Baumann

SCLS staff present: Martha Van Pelt


1.      Call to order time 10:05am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      No guests

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      Changes: None

                                                             ii.      Additions:  None

c.       Requests to address the Committee


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes:  

a.      Minutes for August meeting were approved.


3.      Action items : 

a.      None


4.      Discussion items:


a.      Cost-Formula Workgroup Update

                                                              i.      The cost formula workgroup met the previous week for the first time

                                                             ii.      Corey shared the PowerPoint presentation with the Delivery Committee

                                                           iii.      Eric asked about the ratios for the percentages that appeared to have erroneous percentage calculations.  Corey will review that and adjust.

b.      PLSR update

                                                              i.      Corey shared that SCLS has been 1 month into the new delivery schedule that alters two areas that SCLS had previously made full local stops at:  Southwest Library System and Winding Rivers Library System.

                                                             ii.      Further work is being explored for implantation in 2023 in the eastern half of Wisconsin (Fox Valley region and Milwaukee).

                                                           iii.      SCLS continues to coordinate discussion groups on statewide data collection and delivery service standards.

c.       Delivery Service Priorities:

                                                              i.      Corey solicited the team for ideas related to “service priorities” in advance of the March All-directors meeting where more information will be gathered as an exercise to develop the 2023 Delivery budget

                                                             ii.      Jen relayed that from her cluster, an inquiry was made about restoring Saturday service.  Corey explained that a return to Saturday service would come with a cost that we are not prepared to pass along.   The volume of materials moving late in the week would extend into a very light Saturday with up to 9 part-time staff members.  We currently are staffed with about 6 regular part-time staff members for the current workload.  We are evaluating volumes that can better highlight places where we can make a late return trip on Fridays to compensate for the vacated Saturday service.

d.      Annual Committee Orientation session was conducted by Martha Van Pelt



5.      Reports (for Committees only)

a.      No Reports


6.      Items from clusters (for Committees only)

a.      No Items from clusters


7.      Plan for next meeting:

a.      Thursday, April 14, 2022


8.      Adjournment:  10:45am


9.      For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann  or 608-266-4695


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

Delivery Committee/Minutes/02-10-2022