Delivery Committee Agenda
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Virtual Meeting Online

Login information:

Phone: 1-866-226-4650 and use access code: 461-0318-2019.  Press the # button to enter meeting as a participant.


Web site:  (There is no password for participants).

·         If a participant is asked to download software, they can choose to bypass this (join via browser).

Meeting Documents:


a. Call to Order

    1. Introduction of guests/visitors/new committee members
    2. Changes/Addition to the Agenda
    3. Requests to address the Committee
  1. Approval of previous meeting minutes: April 8, 2021
  1. Action Items:
    1. Discussion on fee structure for SCLS Delivery
  1. Discussion items:
    1. Damaged items (broken CD/DVD cases); what are libraries seeing?  Has there been an observed increase in fracturing of cases?  Potential causes?
    2. COVID 19 procedures:  Mask wearing, distancing, vaccination
    3. New schedule and volume response
      • Twice daily local
      • Monday volumes
  1. Next meeting: Thursday, August 12, 2021


  1. Meeting Evaluation


SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

 For more information about the Delivery Committee, please contact Corey Baumann at 608-266-4695 (please try email first while the facility is closed)


