Delivery Committee Minutes

April 13, 10:00 am

Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans

(Replacement Meeting for February 9 cancellation – Weather and Staffing)


Action Items: None

: Marek Penner (MAD), Amanda Wakeman (CIA), Jen Foster (FCH), Renee Daley (ROM), Lisa Renier (SKC), Janet Schroeder (POCO), Amy Trumble (NGL), Eric Norton (MCM), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Tracy Herold (DCL)*


Recorder: Corey Baumann

SCLS staff present:


1.      Call to order time 10:00am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      Tracy Herold attended for Todd Cox (DCL)

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      Changes: None

c.       Requests to address the Committee:  None


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes:  

a.      Minutes for December meeting were unanimously approved.

                                                              i.      Motion:  Lisa Renier

                                                             ii.      Second:  Mark Penner


3.      Action items : 

a.      No action items



4.      Discussion items:

    1. Delivery Sorting Project & Library Impacts

                                                              i.      Corey described a project that addresses sorting processes that seeks to improve efficiency and reduces lifting at Delivery

                                                             ii.      The result can mean carts arriving at libraries with both holds and returns combined but in two separate “towers”.  Corey shared a diagram.

1.      This conception would be for libraries that receive 2 or 3 carts daily.  Larger locations (MAD, SEQ, MID) and smaller (SKC, PDS, etc) would not see a change.

                                                           iii.      Objectives are to increase the sorting “facing” for our staff to keep footsteps and lifts to a minimum.

                                                           iv.      We would also like to examine separations at libraries that increase transfers for later in the route order and also for higher volume locations.

1.      Corey shared an example of sorting through SUN materials and subsequently filling TWO Middleton bins within an hour of exclusively SUN items.  These could be a dedicated bin at SUN to save the time of fishing them out from other materials.

    1. Delivery Route adjustments from the new location on Pankratz

                                                              i.      Corey discussed evaluating route patterns that may change with a new address at Pankratz.

                                                             ii.      Most routes further out should see no appreciable changes outside of slightly earlier arrivals at libraries.

    1. Volume Decrease      

                                                              i.      Corey noted that bin volume had some indications of a slight decrease in bin volume from 2021 to 2022.  This is after appreciable increases from the severe impact of the pandemic influence of 2020 and part of 2021.

                                                             ii.      He will provide solid updates for upcoming DC and All Directors meetings to confirm this observation.

                                                           iii.      This follows a pattern of similar volume reductions that were observed prior to the pandemic.

                                                           iv.      It further indicates a need to continuously evaluate route and truck efficiencies to make sure that loads are sufficient and we are not sending out small volumes.  This is especially critical with fuel prices and other costs remaining high in the age of high inflation.




5.      Reports (for Committees only)

a.      No Reports


6.      Items from clusters (for Committees only)

a.      No Items from clusters


7.      Plan for next meeting:

a.      Thursday, June 13, 2023


8.      Adjournment:  10:55am


9.      For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann  or 608-266-4695


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

Delivery Committee/Minutes/04-13-2023