Delivery Committee Minutes

June 8, 10:00 am

Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans


Action Items: None

: Marek Penner (MAD), Amanda Wakeman (COL), Jen Foster (FCH), Erin Foley (ACL for Renee Daley), Lisa Renier (SKC), Janet Schroeder (POCO), Amy Trumble (NGL), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Tracy Herold (DCL/for Todd Cox)

Excused:  Eric Norton (MCM)

Recorder: Corey Baumann

SCLS staff present: Marty Van Pelt and Heidi Oliversen


1.      Call to order time 10:00am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      Tracy Herold attended for Todd Cox (DCL)

                                                             ii.      Erin Foley (ACL) attended for Renee Daley (ROM)

                                                           iii.      Heidi Oliversen from SCLS

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      Changes: None

c.       Requests to address the Committee:  None


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes:  

a.      Minutes for April meeting were unanimously approved.

                                                              i.      Motion:  Lisa Renier

                                                             ii.      Second:  Mark Penner


3.      Action items : 

a.      No action items



4.      Discussion items:

a.      Member Volume update

                                                              i.      Corey had identified some conflicting volume numbers between “anecdotal” observation of a slight volume decrease and volume data that showed increases.

                                                             ii.      Data was shared with the group that showed both to be true:

1.      Overall, member volume increased about 1.5% from 2021 to 2022.   This occurred on the strength of Madison Public Library increase and offset the marginal loss in volume in most other places.

2.      Decreases were noted in all counties outside of Dane County in 2022 along with some individual spikes in volume directly related to joining the catalogue between those years (RIO, MFD).  Reductions also had recognizable reasons (temporary closures, like RKS).

3.      Madison Public Library (and branches) showed the most consistent increase.  This was due to continued post-pandemic re-opening that took longer than most other areas.

4.      Dane County outside of Madison indicated a slight decrease like the other 6 counties.

b.      Route adjustments update.

                                                              i.      We are working on a new potential exchange point with Southwest Library System to re-route us away from a direct stop in Fennimore.  This allows us to make some subtle adjustments inside our boundaries.

1.      We hope to relieve volume crunches that we have observe on:

a.      Dane South:  With the addition of FCH, we may want to split the route in half and have the second leg go out after returning to base first (on Mondays and Tuesdays only?)

b.      Metro West:  When we added Monroe Street, it made for a very full truck on Mondays.

c.       Green County:  Mount Horeb would be good to perform in a box truck due to the cart movement and volumes we see there.

2.      We are also looking to expand our reach with materials be transported to the northern third of the state.  If we can drop Fennimore, we can have the flexibility to carry more and make more stops.

3.      When we occupy our space at Pankratz, we will have a number of new route orders to implement.  Additionally, there may be some swapping in/out of libraries on certain routes to better accommodate or new north and east Madison base.

a.      The early assessment has us traveling less miles overall from the new home.

b.      We will have new timing difficulties:

                                                                                                                                      i.      Longer to Madison Central

                                                                                                                                     ii.      Longer to the west side

                                                                                                                                   iii.      Longer to the UW Campus

                                                                                                                                   iv.      Longer to Green County

c.       All northern routes will complete routes about 30 minutes sooner (Adams Wood, Portage County, and Columbia)

d.      Intersystem routes will generally get done faster

c.       New building update:

                                                              i.      Delivery: 

1.      Assisted in moving some specialized equipment to the new headquarters.

2.      Facilitated the movement of numerous pieces of “claimed” furniture to libraries.

                                                             ii.      Work continues at a brisk pace.  Currently, footings are being set for the new delivery addition.  The interior is going through a rapid transformation with new walls, utilities, and other updates moving along.



5.      Reports (for Committees only)

a.      No Reports


6.      Items from clusters (for Committees only)

a.      No Items from clusters


7.      Plan for next meeting:

a.      Thursday, August 10, 2023


8.      Adjournment:  10:40am


9.      For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann  or 608-266-4695


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

Delivery Committee/Minutes/06-08-2023