ILS Committee Agenda

December 1, 2021, 10 am

SCLS Headquarters or

Phone/video conference


Meeting Documents:

To phone into this meeting call 1-866-226-4650, use access code 461-0415-2019
To access this meeting visit (select the join via browser link)

NOTE: Anyone attending a meeting in person, or visiting SCLS Headquarters, will be required to wear a mask.  SCLS staff will be attending committee meetings in person.  Future changes to this plan will be based on health recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Public Health Madison & Dane County.


1.      Call to Order

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

c.       Requests to address the Committee


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: October 6, 2021


3.      Action Items

a.      Approve 2022 Technology Plan: ILS section

b.      Approve process for Requests for New Services process

c.       From the Collection Maintenance Committee

                                                              i.      New Shelving Location request: STU (Studio)

                                                             ii.      New Collection Code request: LPPB (LARGE PRINT PICTURE BOOKS ; Large Print, Picture Books)

                                                           iii.      Books BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Sound Recordings BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Videorecordings BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Software BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy

1.       Change Use the BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) framework to create new BSE bibs to Use the Cataloging BSE template for the appropriate format to create new BSE bibs.

2.       Remove Type before Format Type, Target Audience, and Library.

                                                           iv.      Generic and Perm Records Policy

1.       Change GEN (Generic) framework to GENERIC BSE template.

2.       Change BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) framework to PERM BSE template.

                                                             v.      Linking Items Policy

1.       Change permanent location to library.

2.       Change current location to current library.

3.       Change date created to date acquired.

                                                           vi.      Serials Receiving Policy

1.       Change Koha Periodicals to the serials module.


4.      Reports

a.      ILS Report

b.      Circulation Services Subcommittee

c.       Collection Maintenance Subcommittee

d.      Discovery Interface Subcommittee

e.      Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup

f.        Delivery Workflow Workgroup


5.      Items from clusters for initial discussion


6.      Discussion

a.      Review Development survey process

b.      Review 2022 calendar

c.       Changes to ILS Support page / new Bibliovation Support page

7.      Plan for Next meeting: February 2, 2022 at SCLS Headquarters or via phone/videoconference

a.      Introduce new cluster reps

b.      Cluster Rep Orientation

c.       Action: Approve 2022 calendar

8.      Adjournment



For more information about the ILS Committee, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


ILS Committee/Agenda/12-2021