ILS Committee Minutes

April 10, 2024, 10 am

1650 Pankratz Street

Madison, WI 53704

Hybrid Meeting = in person and using virtual Zoom option



Action Items:

The IC approved the 2025 Cataloging Agreement.

The IC approved the CSS recommendation for revision of Barcode Placement policy.

The IC approved the CSS recommendation for revision of Labelling Multipart items policy.

The IC approved the CSS recommendation to add NEW LP (AD) materials to the materials set that are eligible for Local Holds parameters.  The term NEW for LP materials is defined as newly published Large Print materials.

The IC approved the CSS recommendation for revision of SCLS Guidelines for registering patrons.  (This will go to the AC for final approval).

The IC moved to create a workgroup to investigate a sorter for SCLS. 


Present: Renee Ziegler, ACL (1), Debbie Bird, POR (2), Eddie Glade, STP (4), Kate Hull, SUN (7), Phil Hansen, FCH (8), Nate Snortum, DCL (9, 10), Margie Navarre Saaf, Molly Warren, Tina Marie Maes, MAD (11 -13)

Absent: Lauren White, PDS (5), Suzann Holland, MRO (3)

Excused: Katherine Elchert, MCM (6)

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Heidi Oliversen, Amy Gannaway, Shannon Schultz


1.      Call to Order at 10:02 am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                                          i.      Renee Ziegler is filling in for Erin Foley from ACL today.

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                                          i.      None.

c.       Requests to address the Committee

                                                                          i.      None.


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: February 7, 2024

a.      Motion: M. Navarre Saaf moved approval of the February meeting minutes.  D. Bird seconded.

b.      Discussion: none.

c.       Vote: motion carried.


3.      Action Items

a.      Approve the 2025 Cataloging Agreement

                                                                          i.      Motion: P. Hansen moved approval of the 2025 Cataloging Agreement.  D. Bird seconded.

                                                                         ii.      Discussion: The draft version was presented to this group in February.  There have been no changes since then.

                                                                       iii.      Vote: motion carried.

b.      CSS recommendation for revision of Barcode Placement policy

                                                                          i.      Motion:  This recommendation came from the Circulation Services Subcommittee.

                                                                         ii.      Discussion: H. Oliversen reviewed the recommendation for revision to the barcode placement policy.  The revision is removing the older, precise location on books which were originally generated for the old ITG cabinet self-check units.  This is no longer necessary as no libraries in the system currently have one.  They removed the VHS video instructions because there have not been any VHS cassettes added for a few years.  They also removed books on cassette and added a few newer formats. 

                                                                       iii.      Vote: motion carried.

c.       CSS recommendation for revision of Labelling Multipart items policy

                                                                          i.      Motion:  This recommendation came from the Circulation Services Subcommittee.

                                                                         ii.      Discussion: H. Oliversen reviewed the revision of Labelling Multipart items policy.  This policy was out of date and needed information added for the Multipart TV series sets.  They removed the list of formats and added instructions for sets with more than one item. 

                                                                       iii.      Vote: motion carried.

d.      CSS recommendation to add NEW LP (AD) materials to the materials set that are eligible for Local Holds parameters.  The term NEW for LP materials is defined as newly published Large Print materials.

                                                                          i.      Motion:  This recommendation came from the Circulation Services Subcommittee.

                                                                         ii.      Discussion: H. Oliversen reviewed the recommendation with the group.  P. Hansen asked if there was a possibility of getting more data from T. Drexler since Local Holds has been in place for about a year after the pilot ended.  The previous data is available on the dashboard Tim created for the pilot.  H. Oliversen will email the link out to the group. 

                                                                       iii.      Vote: motion carried.

e.      CSS recommendation for revision of SCLS Guidelines for registering patrons.

                                                                          i.      Motion:  This recommendation came from the Circulation Services Subcommittee.

                                                                         ii.      Discussion: H. Oliversen reviewed the revision with the group.  Cleaning up guidelines for registering patrons, removing outdated information.  

                                                                       iii.      Vote: motion carried.  This will go to AC for final approval.


4.      Reports

a.      ILS Report

                                                                          i.      V. Teal Lovely reviewed the Feburary/March ILS Report.  SCLS staff met with Polaris and SirsiDynix at PLA to discuss demo logistics and expectations. With SirsiDynix we clarified that the demos will be for BlueCloud instead of SymphonyWeb because BlueCloud is where new development is happening. (SymphonyWeb is a fully web version of everything that is in the client. Serials is still in SymphonyWeb and not BlueCloud.) While at PLA, we also looked at the Bibliocommons and Aspen Discovery Layers. Both of these Discovery Layers work with the SirsiDynix and Polaris systems. There are no Bibliovation libraries currently using either of these Discovery Layers so the vendor would have to build a connector to Bibliovation. However, both Discovery Layer vendors could do demos for SCLS library staff after we get through our sets of ILS demos.

b.      Circulation Services Subcommittee

                                                                          i.      M. Navarre Saaf reviewed the March meeting minutes.

c.       Collection Maintenance Subcommittee

                                                                          i.      A. Gannaway reviewed the March meeting minutes.

d.      Discovery Interface Subcommittee

                                                                          i.      A. Gannaway reviewed the March meeting minutes.

e.      ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup

                                                                          i.      A. Gannaway reviewed the March meeting minutes.

5.      Items from Clusters for initial discussion

a.      None.

6.      Requests for New Service

a.      None.

7.      Discussion

a.      Request to cancel spring module user groups and potentially hold an all-module virtual user group (would this be a benefit due to ILS Evaluation Demo schedule)?

                                                                          i.      Discussion: Hosting spring module user groups isn’t realistic right now with the upcoming vendor demos.  We will plan to hold an all module user group later in the year. 

b.      Review service priorities for May All Directors

                                                                          i.      Discussion: Two things came out of the Jamboard.  The first was offering the Local Hold option for all ITYPEs.  The comments were split 50/50.  This will go to the Circulation Services Subcommittee for more discussion.    The second was removing checkout history.  The discussion was in the chat and the issue was more with staff being able to see a patron’s checkout history.  This will go to the Circulation Services Subcommittee also.  It is a function of our ILS right now, so we are not sure where we can go with this.  There was a split on this issue as well.  Patrons who have opted in for their checkout history tend to want to keep all of it.  There we were no other requests for new service submitted.

c.       Preliminary 2025 ILS budget proposal

                                                                          i.      Discussion: V. Teal Lovely reviewed the 2025 ILS Budget proposal.  This is posted on the meeting page.  We are still waiting for more data.  At the June meeting, this Committee approves the Budget and it becomes one of the components of the ILS fees.  The SCLS board will approve the budget in September.  The total operating budget is currently at $1,254,959, which is a little more than $10,000 than last year.  We still need update the staff salaries, which comes after this meeting (i.e. re-classes, step increases, increases in benefits).  In the past few years it hasn’t changes that much, however, we do anticipate some increases this year.  (Anticipate a 2-3% increase.)  There are no major changes and things are pretty stable right now.  One thing in flux, is the Bibliotheca and Envisionware support fees.  We’re not sure we’re going to get those from them this year.  For ILS contracted development, we took the income from Bibliotheca and offset $5000 of contract development.  We have a backlog of development we have contingency for. 

d.      ILS module certification program--change to self-certification

                                                                          i.      Discussion: V. Teal Lovely reported in the past we had a pretty rigorous certification program.  SCLS staff would track certification.  There is a value in staff certification but it is time consuming for SCLS to track.  We are proposing to change to a self-certification model.  There are now more trainings set-up as webinars with a quiz at the end.  Staff would have to track that they’ve done it.  We could send out a certificate if requested.  This would be an individual library decision.  We will write up a proposal and update the website. 

e.      SCLS Sorter Exploration for ILS workgroup

                                                                          i.      Discussion: V. Teal Lovely reported that we once had a delivery workflow workgroup.  It was a reaction to what we saw during the pandemic and how to navigate certain issues that came up.   It involved learning about the flow of materials through libraries.  Some libraries had huge backlogs of materials to be checked in.  We started looking at the routes and other components to help libraries.  SCLS started talking about a sorter at that time.  We’ve encouraged RFID tagging in recent years and use grant funds to purchase tags for libraries.  At this point, it is a good time to start looking at sorter through the ILS perspective.  For example, could we eliminate the post it notes?  At the conferences, we gather information and we want to see if a SCLS sorter might help with improving workflow in libraries.  We want to form a workgroup and this could be an action item if people are ready to vote today. 

1.      Motion: M. Navarre Saaf moved to create a workgroup to investigate a sorter for SCLS.  P. Hansen seconded.

2.      Discussion: We will put out a call for volunteers and any library staff can participate.  This will probably include virtually meetings and potential site visits.

3.      Vote: motion carried.


8.      Plan for Next meeting:  June 5, 2024, at 10 am at SCLS Headquarters or via phone/video conference.

a.      Action: Approve final 2025 ILS budget proposal


9.      Adjournment at 10:52 am



For more information about the ILS Committee, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


ILS Committee/Minutes/04-2024