Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes

December 8, 2020, 9 a.m.




Action Items: None


Present: Nicole Ozanich, STP; Nathan Rybarczyk, BAR; Renee Daley, ROM; Melissa Roelli; MTH; Kris Houtler, REE; Carol Kaufman, SUN; Jill Porter, MFD; Katrina Linde-Moriarty, MNT; Alex Le Clair, LDI; Leah Fritsche, DEE

Recorder: Jean Anderson

SCLS staff present: Jean Anderson, Craig Ellefson, Mark Ibach, Rose Ziech, Shawn Brommer, Mark Jochem,


1.      Call to order time: 9:01

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors - None

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      Changes - None

c.       Requests to address the Committee - None


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: October 19, 2020

a.      Changes or corrections: None

b.      Approved by motion; Mark Ibach, Nathan seconded. Approved


3.      Action items: None


4.      Reports

a.      Cooking & baking kits: circulation (Mark I.)

                                                              i.      Ready for circulation and can be reserved for use in the libraries. Calendars are set up on Programming Resources page.

b.      2021 Service Priorities (Mark I.)

                                                              i.      Sharing of some of the Service Priorities shared with the directors at the All Director Meeting in November.

1.      Graphic Arts.

2.      Inclusive Services – EDI statements for libraries, Social Work in Public Libraries webinar series, Inclusive Services Assessment Guide assistance.

3.      Web Services – migrating SCLS Drupal sites to Drupal 9.

4.      Workforce Development – LAWDS project continuing, training opportunities to help job seekers overcoming barriers.

a.      Carol: One of the things we could look at that would support the DPI as well as employment support agencies is promoting the use of EBSCO Learning Express career resources. All our WI residents have access to these for career and education exploration, but they really require an intensive instruction and promotion to engage users to make them more effective.

5.      Digitization projects – not allowing any new libraries activating any new accounts (Content DM) until after June due to state funding.

6.      Data & Statistics – dashboards continuing to be created including a new Digitization one. Looking at doing a Return on Investment dashboard.

7.      Continuing Education – LSTA IDEA project, Streamline for Success project, Social Services webinar series.

8.      WI Libraries Transform website – quiet over the last few years. Directors still see value in it. Contacted iSchool to see if there’s a practicum student who can help with that project.


5.      Items from clusters

a.      Cluster 2 – Columbia County – interested in how to advocate for your library at the city and county level. Exploring a “Humans of New York” type series, handout, sharing stories – how best to do that logistically, technology to use.

                                                              i.      Connection to Libraries Transform project

                                                             ii.      Library Legislative Day

                                                           iii.      Katrina: I wonder if these authors would help.

6.      Discussion items

a.      Follow up on Library Aware. Should we schedule a presentation in 2021 and get a quote for cost?

                                                              i.      Yes

b.      Feedback on virtual presentation support idea from Youth and Adult Services meetings. Potential for a webinar to be developed on this topic around make & take activity bags with video demonstration.

                                                              i.      Suggestions for equipment needed for virtual programs, etc.

                                                             ii.      Set up a webinar with local library staff (Melissa from MTH), etc.

c.       Portable screen kit idea. Would this be useful, pricing, logistics around shipping via Delivery, movie licensing requirements, program ideas?

                                                              i.      Outdoor Screen Kit – inflatable Movie Screen.

                                                             ii.      Katrina’s Document (see meeting page Documents section):

1.      Question about the audio using AM/FM radio – was there a lag in the sound?

2.      How many people can comfortably watch it at one time? Depends on if attending via car or in person and space available. Katrina had 67 people attending one of her programs.

3.      Weather? Can stake the screen down, white part of the screen is detachable to be cleaned/dried as needed.

4.      Movie license – Swank loosened their license mid-year for 200 movies. They paid $200 per title to show it outside for titles that weren’t on the list.



5.      Does this have value as a kit for libraries to share? Consensus is yes.

a.      Jill: We had a great response at my previous library with one of these screens.  I think it could be popular for those libraries who can cover the licensing fee.

d.      Update from Cluster 2: Shared zoom and programming services (“The Virtual Project”).

                                                              i.      PR materials and logo created and starting to hire people for the programs.

                                                             ii.      First program is on Saturday – with Inga Witcher, Around the Holiday Table (not sure how the sign up is yet – Columbus is handling registration).


e.      2021 meeting dates: February 9, April 13, June 8, August 10, October 12, and December 14.

f.        Inviting new members.

                                                              i.      Any suggestions for us to reach out to for membership? Send names to Rose Ziech.


7.      Plan for next meeting: February 9, 2021 / BlueJeans

a.      How to advocate for your library (from Cluster 2).


8.      Adjournment: 10:03 – Alex Le Clair, LDI; Jill Porter, MFD; Approved

For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

Library Innovation Subcommittee/Minutes/12-2020