Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes

April 11, 2023, 9:00 am



Action Items: None


Present: Renee Daley (ROM), Laura Fuller (PLO), Elizabeth Clauss (MNT), Leah Fritsche (DEE)

ExcusedMelissa Roelli (MTH), Caitlin Opatik (REE)

Recorder: Tamara Ramski

SCLS staff present: Jean Anderson, Shawn Brommer, Tim Drexler, Tracie Miller, Rose Ziech, Craig Ellefson, Tamara Ramski


1.     Call to order time 9:08 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors:  None

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda:  None 

c.      Requests to address the Committee:  None


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: February 14, 2023

a.     Changes or corrections: None

b.     Approved by motion:  Leah approved, Laura second.


3.     Action items: None


4.     Reports (for Committees only)

a.     IDEA Team

                                                    i.     Upcoming webinars scheduled

1.     Shawn: Link shared with webinar information. Three webinars in April and in-person workshops scheduled in Waunakee and Eau Claire.

2.     Planning is underway for the next year of LSTA funding. Mark Jochem, Shawn, and staff from other systems are looking at program and training options.

                                                   ii.     Think about ideas for mini-grants for DEI.

b.     Social Work Intern Cohort

1.     Shawn-Portage County has an intern and it is going good. Mark Jochem and Shawn are looking into ways to move the cohort forward in a sustainable way that makes it successful for interns plus beneficial to library staff and patrons.

2.     Laura-The current intern at STP is working out great. Another intern will be starting immediately after the current intern’s semester ends and will be there through December 2024.

3.     A field director from the UW-Stevens Point cohort will be presenting a webinar.

                                                   ii.     Survey result highlights (to be discussed at the June meeting)


5.     Discussion

a.     Update on Playmobil kit

                                                    i.     Shawn-The Playmobil kit comes from Germany and is hard to get in the USA. Shawn might have German friends help with getting a kit.

b.     Continue discussion: Interactive whiteboards/tablets

                                                    i.     Craig provided information (presented by Rose).

1.     Ideum has several models available with touchscreen/tablet-like/display screens.

a.     Pros: Rugged and designed to travel.

b.     Cons:

                                                                                                                i.     Used units are $10000-$12000.

                                                                                                               ii.     They are heavy (would require a Delivery van with a lift gate).

                                                                                                             iii.     They have to be (re)-programmed to meet individual libraries’ needs.

c.      Discussion:

                                                                                                                i.     Jean: We need to know what libraries think about this. It seems big, will take up a lot of space (in small libraries).  We’d have to find funding. We’d have to get approval from Delivery (Corey) before moving forward.

                                                                                                               ii.     Leah: Too big to use in their space. Does not think they would be interested in it.

                                                                                                             iii.     Shawn: What about accessibility of the software? Can it be used with screen reader, is it ADA adaptive?

                                                                                                             iv.     Laura: To overwhelming for Plover or Rosholt. Okay for STP. Questions the value for the cost. Could an IPad with a monitor be an option?

2.     Need to do more research for smaller and less expensive options.

c.      Continue discussion: Challenges & solutions for staffing makerspaces

                                                    i.     Nobody present at the meeting had any comments. Discussion will be on the agenda for the June meeting.

d.     Library Visits (including SCLS visits to libraries)

                                                    i.     No new library visit reports.

                                                   ii.     SCLS staff visits to member libraries.

1.     Rose shared the list of questions with the group.

2.     Visits will be scheduled between April and October 31st.

3.     Visits can be in-person or virtual.

                                                 iii.     Jean: Everyone is welcome to come to the new SCLS building Groundbreaking on April 25th at 4pm. 1650 Pankratz St. Madison.


6.     Items from clusters (for Committees only): None


7.     Plan for next meeting: June 13, 2023, 9:00 am, BlueJeans

a.     Reports

                                                    i.     IDEA Team

1.     Think about ideas for mini-grants for DEI

                                                   ii.     Social Work Intern Cohort

1.     Survey result highlights

                                                 iii.     Collection Development User Group

b.     Discussion:

                                                    i.     Update on Playmobil kit

                                                   ii.     Continue discussion: Interactive whiteboards/tablets

                                                 iii.     Continue discussion: Challenges & solutions for staffing makerspaces

                                                 iv.     Library visits


8.     Adjournment:  9:38 am. Jean approved, Leah second.

For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
