Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes

October 10, 2023, 9:00am



Action Items:

Item 1: Discuss changes to Charge – see Links for Original and Draft


Present: Caitlin Opatik (REE), Alicia Woodland (MCM)

Excused: Melissa Roelli (MTH)

Recorder: Tamara Ramski

SCLS staff present: Mark Jochem, Jean Anderson, Shawn Brommer, Tim Drexler, Tracie Miller, Rose Ziech, Craig Ellefson


1.     Call to order time 9:05 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None

c.      Requests to address the Committee: None


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: June 13, 2023

a.     Changes or corrections: None

b.     Approved by motion: Alicia, Mark


3.     Action items

a.     Discuss changes to Charge – see Links for Original and Draft

                                                    i.     Discussion:

1.     A draft document with proposed changes was shared by Rose.

2.     Alicia: Likes the line “This is a trusting one that explores new ideas”. Jean explained why this is in the original Charge.

3.     Regarding line “We suggest (with suggest replacing “plan”) ideas for webinars and workshops”, Jean stated SCLS will do the planning, committee members do the suggesting.

4.     Martha Van Pelt suggested (prior to the meeting) to include: How to contact the subcommittee, how to handle knowing who is going to attend the meeting, and to whom to send the agenda? 

a.     Based on these suggestions, guidelines from the “Meetings” section of the AC Committee Charge were added to the “Process” section of the LIS Charge.

5.     “Communication” section:

a.     Removed technology and tools that are no longer being used (blogs/link sharing services).

b.     The agenda is sent to the LIS committee email list.

6.     “Subcommittee Composition” section:  

a.     There had not been a section about who is on the committee or how to join the committee.

b.     Examples from the ILL Subcommittee will be used for this section.

c.      LIS will should be discussed at cluster meetings with an attempt to get representation from every cluster.

7.     Alicia questioned the placement of the “Inspiration” section being at the end of the document, it is important because it states why we are here and what we do, and it is nice to know these details when joining the committee.

a.     Rose explained that section is the history of why this committee exists.

b.     Shawn and Mark agreed it could go earlier in the Charge.

c.      Jean suggested the header change to “History” instead of “Inspiration”. Shawn suggested “History” or “Background”.

d.     Shawn suggested keeping the “Background” section details separate from the “Purpose”.

e.     Caitlin: Knowing why the committee exists is useful when she is talking about the committee to other people.

f.       Mark: Knowing these details is helpful when new SCLS staff join the committee too.

8.     “Goals” section: All goals are represented elsewhere in the Charge. Since it is repetitive, this section will be deleted.

                                                   ii.     Vote:

1.     Action: Approve recommended changes as discussed.

a.     Shawn approved, Alicia seconded.

                                                 iii.     Document will be finalized based on this discussion and then presented by either Marty or Rose to the AC for approval on 10-19-2023.


4.     Reports (for Committees only)

a.     IDEA Team:

                                                    i.     Jean: Is working on continuing ed. portion of next year’s project.

1.      Asking two presenters to do three webinars. First in December 2023 (Ann Fibs) and in January and February 2024. Considering doing small group coaching/conversations (in Feb/March/April). Topics and coaches are being determined.

2.     In-person workshops will be held in the eastern side of the state in 2024 (they were offered in 2023 in the western side of the state).

                                                   ii.     Mark:

1.     Planning a 2024 conference, either stand-alone or a pre-conference for the WLA conference focusing on BIPOC library staff members.

2.     Also looking to add two more IDEA Team members. Recruitment details and an application are going out soon to various listservs.

                                                 iii.     Jean: They are looking for recommendations for speakers or events. They will be recruiting for advisory committee members for the conference/preconference.

5.     Discussion

a.     Update on Playmobil kit.

                                                    i.     Shawn: The kit has arrived!

1.     It is not publicized or made available yet.

2.     Working with Jeff at Delivery to coordinate making the kit available, maybe at the beginning of 2024

3.     Alicia: Does it have recommendations or examples of what to use it for?

a.     Jean: Their user guide and website has some recommendation uses.

4.     It can be for programming or internal staff development.

b.     Idea: Developing a Snowy Weather programming toolkit with basic blue prints that librarians can use to plan programs for Wisconsin winters (Alicia Woodland, MCM).

                                                    i.     Alicia, idea #1 (Snowy weather): It is good to have back-up plans or virtual options for when programs are scheduled but the weather is too bad for patrons to show up.

                                                   ii.     Alicia, idea #2 (Tornado or storms):  Have things to calm the littles and the adults, like her stuffed Peter Rabbit that is always ready for hugs. Have impromptu, but planned ahead, ideas for activities.

                                                 iii.     Be prepared with general things (go-bags) that meet the needs of multiple ages. Alicia did this when she was in Appleton.

                                                 iv.     Mark: Have program contingency plans or programs that can be put together in 10 minutes or less.

                                                   v.     Jean: Good to include these ideas as plans with emergency preparedness documents.

                                                 vi.     Shawn: Thinks this is really great, could be a theme for bad weather preparedness week.

1.     Water, food, snacks, games, or kits.

2.     Rather than creating specific kits for this purpose, could re-purpose or use existing kits and materials that you already on-hand. But have them prepared/planned for this use.

                                                vii.     This could be an article, the topic of a webinar, or a program. 


c.      Library visits.

                                                    i.     Ran out of time, will be on the next meeting’s agenda.


6.     Items from clusters (for Committees only): None


7.     Plan for next meeting: December 12, 2023 (Virtual)

a.     Review finalized Charge and the Administrative Council review of it.

b.     Continue discussion (from 10-10-2023 meeting):  Developing a Snowy Weather programming toolkit -with basic blue prints that librarians can use to plan programs for Wisconsin winters (Alicia Woodland, MCM).

c.      Library visits


8.     Adjournment:  10:02 am.  Mark approved, Jean seconded

For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
