Local Holds Workgroup Notes

June 30, 2022, 10:30 am

Phone/video conference


Goal: Identify factors and identify ways to address them, including data (by June ILS Committee meeting)

Charge: Examine the factors involved with implementing a local-holds and local-use-only policy for new materials. Gather information to assist with this charge


Action Items:



Present: Kendra Kimball (WID) Cluster 2, Eddie Glade (PCPL) Cluster 4, Meagan Statz (PDS) Cluster 5, Jill Porter (MFD) Cluster 6, Bailey Anderson (BER) Cluster 8, Emily Noffke (MTH) Cluster 8, Nate Snortum (DCL) Cluster 9-10, Margie Navarre-Saaf, Molly Warren, (MPL) Cluster 11-13
Erin Foley (ACL) Cluster 1, Renee Daley (ROM) Cluster 1, Lindsey Ganz (COL) Cluster 2, Michael Spelman and Susan Lee, (MPL) Cluster 11-13

Excused: Kelly Heasty (MCF) Cluster 7

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present:  Vicki Teal Lovely, Heidi Oliversen, Amy Gannaway, Cindy Weber, Tim Drexler


1.      Call to Order at 10:35 am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors.  None.

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda.  None.

2.      Approval of previous meeting notes: 5/24/2022 and 6/14/2022

a.      Motion: B. Anderson moved approval of the May 24 and June 14 meeting notes.  N. Snortum seconded.

b.      Discussion: none.

c.       Vote: motion carried. 

3.      Discussion

a.      Update

b.      Marketing

c.       Talking points for patrons

                                                              i.      Discussion of a-c topics: H. Oliversen reviewed the documents posted on the ILS Support/Circulation webpage: Workflow, FAQ, Talking points, Google form for staff and patrons to submit questions, comments or complaints, the recording of the Circulation Update session and a Word document containing a list of the LINKcat libraries that are participating in the project.  We have also provided a pdf of an information slip, similar to others we provide, that libraries can use when the supply that SCLS had provided runs out.  H. Moe printed and cut a small quantity for every LINKcat location except Madison and branches.  Their print request was sent to their printer. This can be used as a bookmark or to post as a flyer in a library.

d.      Data

                                                              i.      Discussion. T. Drexler provided data visualizations that may help in identifying what effect the Local Holds pilot may have on the following questions raised by the Workgroup at the 5/17/2022 meeting:

1.      Will the time for holds to be filled increase?

2.      Will total loaned/borrowing change as a result of the pilot? Will libraries who are not participating be affected?

3.      Will circulation go down? 

The data, historical and current was derived from the monthly “Holds Filled Latency” reports, “Total CKO by ITYPE” reports and the monthly “Library Statistics Summary” reports – Total Loaned/Borrowed and Percentage of items circulated from a library’s own collection.  These data visualization should be considered preliminary and he encourages feedback from all members of the Workgroup.  The visualizations are shared on SCLS tableau. Local Holds Work Group data exploration link: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/scls/viz/LocalHoldsDataExplorationDashboard/DaystoFillFrequencyDistribution   Please send him any feedback.      

4.      Action Items

a.      None.

5.      Review Timeline

1.      April 6, ILS Committee discuss project and approve forming a work group

2.      Form work group to identify issues to study (including data)

3.      May 3, Work group meets

4.      May 10, Circulation Services Subcommittee: discuss parameters for pilot

5.      May 17, Work Group meets

6.      May 19, All Directors—update on project

7.      May 24, Work Group meets

8.      June 1, ILS Committee vote on pilot project (June 15 through December 30)

9.      If pilot is approved, the project progresses as follows

10.  Recruit pilot project participants and begin setup

11.  July 1, Pilot project begins

12.  Work group continues to meet to study issues through November 30

13.  July 21, All Directors—update on project

14.  October 5, ILS Committee decides if vote should be done by ILS Committee cluster reps at November 17 All Director’s meeting or December 7 ILS Committee

15.  November 17 All Directors meeting: Work group provide information on project

16.  November 17 or December 7 vote

17.  December 30, pilot ends

a.       Discussion: H. Oliversen will revise the timeline for the next agenda (strikeout 9–11 because they will be done as of tomorrow). 

6.      Plan for Next meeting: 

a.      Zoom poll for regular meeting times

                                                              i.      V. Teal Lovely will send this out because not everyone is here.  We are looking to schedule a regular meeting time if possible. 

7.      Adjournment at 11:20 am


For more information about the Local Holds Work Group, contact Heidi Oliversen or Vicki Teal Lovely.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Local Holds Workgroup/Notes/6-30-2022