Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup Notes

August 19, 2022, 10:00 am

Phone/video conference (Zoom)


Action Items:



Present: Kathy Wolkoff (MEA), Eric Norton (MCM), Judy Taft (ACL), Rebecca Swanson (FCH),  Kate Hull (SUN), Nate Snortum (DCL), Alison Wirth (STP), Sarah Hartman (MID), Nancy Kessenich (WAU), Sue Ann Kucher (REE), Margie Navarre Saaf (MAD), Kathy Baker (MFD)

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present:
Vick Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen, Kayla Linke


1.      Call to Order a 10:05 am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      Kate Hull is sitting in for Heather Garvey at SUN today.

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      None.

c.       Requests to address the Committee

                                                              i.      None.

2.      Approval of previous meeting notes: n/a

3.      Action Items

4.      Discussion

a.      Late fees/replacement charges for single discs: review current practices for replacing missing disc to provide a set of guidelines for libraries.

                                                              i.      Discussion: H. Oliversen displayed the draft of the guidelines for charging fines/replacement fees for Multi-part DVDs.  This document is based on what has come up during discussions of this workgroup.  Overdue fines is a local library policy.  Libraries may submit changes to the Circulation Issuing Rules Form to update fines, etc.  If a single disc is lost from a set, can that single disc be replaced from vendors?  A number of libraries that use these services state they have been able to purchase discs but it’s dependent on the title.  Our goal is to only be circulating sets in the future.  If you lose a disc, can you circulate the remaining discs on separated bibs if it’s still active?  The guidelines will state if you are no longer able to get a replacement, one option is to withdraw the set from circulation.  As of September 1, 2022, libraries will not create new single disc BIB records (for TV series) if they do not already exist. Libraries may offer up discs to another library via email list if desired.  There are sets where you don’t need every disc to enjoy it.  Could the library circulate it on a generic record to their patrons? (Linking manual options for sets with Part Missing) M. Navarre Saaf pointed out the current change will be confusing enough for patrons.  The discussion about adding incomplete sets to Generic records was tabled for a future meeting.

b.      Do libraries want to set up and maintain a “Disc pool”

                                                              i.      Discussion: M. Navarre Saaf reported that MAD is not sure if it would be worth the staff time.  MAD is not interested in managing it.  REE agreed.  Some libraries manage the audio-books rotating collections for their counties and that is not always easy to manage.  Writing documentation would be difficult.  E. Norton asked if SCLS be willing to help setting up an email list.  Could SCLS provide a space for the documentation to live?  SCLS staff would need to discuss it.  A. Gannaway mentioned that we do have our existing listservs (link-cat or link-circ) that could be used for this.  Staff could use these to offer “free discs” if they are withdrawing a set.  A lot of series have a life cycle and if you’re missing discs, it might mean it’s time to get rid of item.  POR asked how would we track circs if replacement is from another library.  The receiving library would become the new owners and Circulation stats and overdue fines are based on checkout library.  Libraries could work out payment between them if they wanted to.  This workgroup will talk about moving forward with this at a future meeting. 

c.       Marketing/PR

                                                              i.      Talking points

                                                             ii.      Info slip/bookmark

1.      Discussion: V. Teal Lovely is collating the talking points based on the library survey and she will email it to the group for input.  H. Oliversen will create bookmark for the group to review at the meeting on August 23.  H. Oliversen will send this out by email before the meeting next Tuesday. 

5.      Plan for Next meetings: August 23, 2022 at 10 am via phone/video conference

6.      Adjournment at 11:09 am


For more information about the Multi-part DVDs Workgroup, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Multi-part DVDs Workgroup/Notes/8-19-2022