Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup Notes

October 25, 2022, 1:00 pm

Phone/video conference (Zoom)


Action Items:

The Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup recommends to the ILS Committee that this workgroup be sunsetted. 


Present: Tom Campbell (MAD), Kathy Wolkoff (MEA), Eric Crow (MTH), Rebecca Swanson (FCH),  Heather Garvey (SUN), Nate Snortum (DCL), Sarah Bukrey (STO), Katelyn Van Lankvelt (SKC), Alison Wirth (STP), Nancy Kessenich (WAU), Sue Ann Kucher (REE), Kate Odahowski (MAD), Kathy Baker (MFD)
Autumn Baumann (POR), Judy Taft (ACL), Margie Navarre Saaf (MAD)

Excused: Eric Norton (MCM), Sarah Hartman (MID)

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen, Vicki Teal Lovely, Kayla Linke


1.      Call to Order at 1:03 pm

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                              i.      Tina Marie Maes (MAD) is a guest today.

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                              i.      None.

c.       Requests to address the Committee

                                                              i.      None.

2.      Approval of previous meeting notes: September 27, 2022 meeting notes

a.      Motion: T. Campbell moved approval of the September 27 meeting minutes as amended.  A. Wirth seconded. 

b.      Discussion: K. Linke and K. Baker will be added as having attended the meeting.  K. Wolkoff’s agency should be MAD (instead of MEA).  M. Karls will make these changes to the notes and re-post them. 

c.       Vote: motion carried.

3.      Action Items

4.      Discussion

a.      Updates from last meeting

                                                              i.      New item types for DVD sets

1.      Discussion: H. Oliversen reported the ILS Committee approved adding the DVDSETJ14 Item Type for juvenile multi-part TV series. It has been added to Bibliovation and emails sent to libraries and an ILS News article reported the addition.

b.      Review Google form submissions

                                                              i.      Discussion:  There are no new submissions to review since the last meeting. 

c.       Questions, comments, feedback on multi-part DVD change

                                                              i.      Discussion: none.

d.      Plan for retro

                                                              i.      Discussion: We discussed a broad outline at the last meeting of how retroactive repackaging could work.  A. Gannaway talked to the MAD Catalogers and she shared a draft outline.  REE pilot project for this is underway.  Libraries can repackage existing sets if a full set record has been added for a new item. Libraries can check the Google spreadsheet (linked from the ILS Support Cataloging page) to see if a new full set records has been added for a particular title and season. We don’t want libraries to do repackaging of anything recent or too popular (i.e. items that have holds).  SCLS could create an on-demand report for libraries to use, as well as a form for libraries to notify catalogers of titles they would like to repackage.  There are periods of time when the MAD Catalogers wouldn’t be able to do retro work because of other projects.  We are not really ready to start just yet.  Libraries are not required to repackage.  This is optional.  T. Maes asked if it would make sense for libraries to send in a request to catalogers before they start to do the work of repackaging.  Yes, these instructions would be incorporated into the documentation for libraries.  Is there a way for libraries to keep track of the circs the items had before they were repackaged?  H. Oliversen reported that we could probably create a report with the item barcode and title based on what’s available in the history.  If libraries are repackaging, would new items get a new barcode (i.e. eliminate the previous circ stats)?  Three libraries that have repackaged reported they are using the barcode from the first disc as it would theoretically have the most circs and be representative of how much the series circulated.  REE has a barcode duplicator to recreate the first disc’s barcode.  T. Maes asked if there should be instructions for the existing Google spreadsheet that lists the new full set records.  K. Linke did write some instructions for using the spreadsheet and will add a note for libraries about retaining circulation stats. SCLS recommends they keep using the first item record so you have historical circ stats.  Moving forward, a retro plan will continue to be refined with the catalogers and the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee.

e.      Sunsetting Workgroup

                                                              i.      Discussion: This workgroup started in early 2021 with the purpose of bringing circulation and cataloging staff people together to determine whether to change the rules regarding packaging of Multi-part DVDs TV series.  SCLS proposed sunsetting this group at the end of summer but there was concern about more issues coming up.  We are proposing sunsetting this workgroup again.  Any future issues or changes would be handled by the standing subcommittees (Collection Maintenance and Circulation Services).  Anyone on this workgroup is welcome to attend these meetings or join the subcommittees.  There was a consensus to sunset the committee.  This will go to the ILS December meeting for approval. 

5.      Plan for Next meetings: November 29, 2022 at 1 pm via phone/video conference.  The workgroup felt we didn’t need to have this meeting.   

6.      Adjournment at 1:45 pm.


For more information about the Multi-part DVDs Workgroup, contact Amy Gannaway.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Multi-part DVDs Workgroup/Notes/10-25-2022