Technology Committee Agenda

December 7, 2022 1 p.m.

Virtual and in-person Meeting



Meeting Documents:

·         Meeting link:

o   To bypass installing software, please join via browser

·         Dial-in 1-866-226-4650

o   Access code: 461-0415-2019. 

o   Press the # button to enter meeting as a participant.

  1. Call to Order
    1. Introduction of guests/visitors
    2. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
    3. Requests to Address the Committee


  1. Approval of previous meeting minutes: October 5, 2022


  1. Action Items

a.      Approve 2023 Technology Plan

b.       Approve 2023 Meeting Calendar

  1. Requests for New Service

  2. Discussion


  1. Reports
    1. Technology Report

  2. Items from Cluster


  1. Plan for next Meeting: February 2023
    1. Review 2023 meeting Calendar
    2. Introduce new cluster reps

c.       Cluster Rep Orientation


  1. Adjournment


SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
For more information about the Technology Committee contact Vicki Teal Lovely.


Technology Committee/TC Agenda/12-2022