Technology Committee Minutes

April 5, 2023 1 p.m.

Remotely via Bluejeans and in person

Action Item:

Present: L. Schmeidicke (3), C. Danner (4), S. Kucher (5), R. Mader (6), J. Holmes (7), B. Anderson (8),N. Snortum, (9-10), C. Wong, P. Garvey, (11-13), M. Van Pelt, V. Teal Lovely, A. Hoks
Excused: J. Bailey (2), E. Foley (1)

Chair: V. Teal Lovely; Notetaker: H. Moe; Facilitator:  M. Van Pelt

Call to Order: 
V. Teal Lovely called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

    1. Introduction of guests/visitors:  None
    2. Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None
    3. Requests to Address the Committee: None

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 2/1/2023


a.      Motion:   S. Kucher moved approval of the 2/1/2023 minutes.  J. Holmes seconded.

b.      Discussion: None

c.       Vote: Motion carried.

Action Items:

Requests for New service: 

a.      Adding Adobe products to patron PC’s (Madison):  It has been requested that SCLS provide support for adobe paid products (acrobat, creative suites and illustrator) on patron pc’s.  After some discussion, it was decided that a pilot project will begin for this request.


a.      Review service priorities for May All Directors

                                                              i.      No new items for service for 2024 were submitted. The Technology Committee will continue to follow the process for reviewing new requests for service. The SCLS Technology Team will review the work needs for 2024 and incorporate them into the 2024 technology plan later this year.

b.      Preliminary 2024 technology budget proposal

                                                              i.      At this time, technology equipment prices continue to increase, particularly for wireless access points. SCLS is doing their best to mitigate these increases in the budget. There may be other standard increases, but other than equipment, there are no unexpected areas with major increases.

c.       Reviewing security practices

                                                              i.      There was a discussion at All Directors about what libraries need to do to help with security.  Public library systems are encouraging library staff to participate in the InfoTech cybersecurity training, but there is a question of funding it. If funded, SCLS may require it of SCLS supported email users. Multi-factor authentication for emails will be coming for libraries who use SCLS email. SCLS will be reviewing stronger login/password protocol for access to LINKcat.

a. Technology Report – you may review the reports online. 

Items from Clusters:


Plan for next Meeting:  

a.      Approve final 2024 Technology Budget Proposal


SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Adjourned at 1:36 pm.


TC Minutes 4-5-2023