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Terms and Acronyms


Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (.pdf from the DPI)
This document, part of Trustee Essentials: a Handbook for Wisconsin Public Library Trustees, contains many library-related terms and acronyms, both general, and specific to Wisconsin. 


Terms and acronyms related specifically to SCLS:

Active Networks
The vendor that supplies the time and print management solution Library Online

Administrative Council
The primary advisory group to SCLS staff and the SCLS Board. This body determines course of action concerning major issues, receives reports from the committees, makes planning recommendations, and recommends annual budget, plan, and services priorities.

Ancestry Library
A database that provides access to genealogy information in more than 4,000 databases, including census data, passenger lists, the Social Security Death Index, and much more. 

Audio Book Circuit (ABC)
A circuit formed by a group of SCLS libraries to cooperatively purchase and rotate collections of audio books. (Formerly BOCC)

The vendor used by LINKcat libraries for Self Check units, sorters, and RFID technology.

The Open Source Integrated Library System (ILS) software behind LINKcat. 

The way libraries are grouped in order to have representative governance. Each cluster has representation on the appropriate committees.

CS Subcommittee
Circulation Services Subcommittee. Formulates guidelines and procedures for the use of the Circulation module of the SCLS shared ILS. Reports to the ILS Committee. (Formerly CSC)

CM Subcommittee
Collection Maintenance Subcommittee. Formulates guidelines and procedures for the use of the Acquisitions, Cataloging and Serials modules of the SCLS shared ILS. Reports to the ILS Committee. (Formerly BSCC)

Delivery Committee
Focuses on the SCLS Delivery Service. This body serves as a forum for discussion and first-level decision-making concerning delivery. Oversees planning, determines procedures, makes recommendations concerning policy and budget, and creates working groups for delivery issues.

Discovery Interface Subcommittee
Public Access Catalog Subcommittee. Provides guidance for the setup of features of the PAC module of the SCLS shared ILS. Reports to the ILS Committee. (Formerly UEPR)

eBooks on EBSCOhost (formerly NetLibrary)
An online collection of electronic books (eBooks), provided by the vendor EBSCOhost through the BadgerLink program.

One of the vendors which provides databases as part of the BadgerLink program.   EBSCO is also the vendor for NoveList and Flipster

A database of thousands of magazines and journals, many in full-text, available to SCLS through the BadgerLink program. 

AKA i-tiva or Talking Tech.  Telephone messaging system used by LINKcat libraries to notify patrons of available holds and to allow patrons to renew items by phone. 

A database, provided through BadgerLink, which provides access to genealogy records and books, including census data, local histories, tax rolls, cemetery lists, military rosters, and more. 

Integrated Library System.  Software that allows libraries to track items owned (through acquisitions, cataloging and serials) and circulate them to patrons.

ILS Committee
This body oversees the software development and implementation and maintenance of the ILS. It serves as a forum for discussion and first-level decision-making concerning the ILS. Oversees planning, determines procedures, makes recommendations concerning policy and budget, and creates working groups for ILS issues.

The vendor SCLS has contracted to run the Koha ILS system. 

An online catalog. It provides access to more than 2.3 million items held by participating SCLS libraries.

LINKcat Libraries and LINK Libraries
Terms used to describe libraries using the SCLS shared ILS and who contribute holdings to LINKcat

LINK Express
A service provided by SCLS Delivery which provides remote check-out and delivery of SCLS ILS public library materials to agencies, businesses, and organizations within the SCLS geographic area, for a fee.

The Multitype Advisory Library Committee is no longer active. See the Multitype Library Services page for more information.

Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network.  A community area network (or "CAN") that provides capacity for very high speed internet access for educational institutions and other non-profit entities in the Madison area. 

A database that provides reviews, annotations, book discussion guides, and assists in suggesting titles and authors similar to others a reader has enjoyed. 

The vendor that supplies WorldCat.

OverDrive- Wisconsin's Digital Library
A collection of digital audio books, eBooks and video supplied by a vendor of the same name. OverDrive is supported and funded by the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC).

Public Access Catalog.  The interface that works with the ILS to allow patrons to search library holdings and place holds on them.

A database vendor. Ancestry Library and HeritageQuest are ProQuest databases. 

Progressive Technology Federal Systems, Inc.   PTFS is the parent company of LibLime.

South Central In-Demand.  Material purchased with SCLS funds by Madison Public Library to fill multiple requests for best sellers or other in-demand materials.

South Central ILL.  Material purchased with SCLS funds by Madison Public Library to fill interlibrary loan requests for materials which are not owned by the libraries participating in the shared automated system.

South Central Library System. A seven-county library system headquartered in Madison. Its members include 53 public and over 300 libraries of other types within its boundaries. Services include interlibrary loan, backup reference, delivery, consulting, continuing education, a shared automation system, and public information services.
A database of resources about books for children and young adults provided by the BadgerLink project. 

Technology Committee
Focuses on library technology infrastructure and services. This body oversees technology projects and schedules. It serves as a forum for discussion and first-level decision-making concerning technology. Oversees planning, determines procedures, makes recommendations concerning policy and budget, and creates working groups for technology issues.

Wisconsin Koha Enthusiasts. Users group for libraries in Wisconsin using Koha or who are interested in Koha.

A union catalog database with information for libraries around the world, provided by OCLC. 

Wisconsin Public Library Consortium. The WPLC pools the resources of WPLC member libraries throughout the state to cooperatively undertake projects that may otherwise be unavailable to single libraries and library systems.

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