Administrative Council (AC):
The primary advisory group to the SCLS Board and SCLS staff. This body determines the course of action and oversight of “big picture” issues that affect all members. It receives reports from the committees, makes planning recommendations and recommends the annual budget, plan and services priorities. It provides support and leadership to the Technology and Delivery committees and any work group or subcommittee the AC institutes. Creates working groups for issues not covered by other committees. Includes 10 library members with a total of 13 votes and non-voting SCLS staff.
Delivery Committee (DC):
Focuses on the SCLS Delivery Service. This body serves as a forum for discussion and decision-making concerning delivery. Oversees planning, determines procedures, makes recommendations concerning policy and budget, and creates working groups for delivery issues. If a solution is within existing policy and budget, committees are charged to make appropriate decisions and report these decisions to the Administrative Council (AC). If a solution is controversial, (i.e.changes service levels), needs additional resources, or involves multiple committees, then it will be referred to the AC as an action item. Includes 10 library members and non-voting SCLS staff.
ILS Committee (IC):
Focuses on the shared integrated library system (ILS). This body oversees the software development and implementation and maintenance of the ILS. It serves as a forum for discussion and decision-making concerning the ILS and creates working groups for ILS issues. The decisions of the ILS Committee are not subject to approval by the Administrative Council. Includes 10 library members and non-voting SCLS staff.
Technology Committee (TC):
Focuses on library technology infrastructure and services. This body oversees technology projects and schedules. It serves as a forum for discussion and decision-making concerning technology. Oversees planning, determines procedures, makes recommendations concerning policy and budget, and creates working groups for technology issues. If a solution is within existing policy and budget, committees are charged to make appropriate decisions and report these decisions to the Administrative Council (AC). If a solution is controversial, needs additional resources, or involves multiple committees, then it will be referred to the AC as an action item. Includes 10 library members and non-voting SCLS staff.
Governance Structure:
The system is a diverse membership of over 60 libraries comprised of urban, rural, large, small and one room libraries spread over 7 counties. It is a challenge to represent this group in an efficient and equitable manner. The committee structure provides a more nimble response using clusters of libraries to represent the full membership. One of the goals of the SCLS committee structure is to solve problems at the committee level. The intent is to help keep processes moving forward and by the staff most directly involved with the subject matter. If a solution is within existing policy and budget, committees are charged to make appropriate decisions and report these decisions to the Administrative Council (AC). If a solution is controversial, needs additional resources, or involves multiple committees, then it will be referred to the AC as an action item.
A second goal of the committee structure is to gather input from the system membership and harness the talent and experience of the diverse membership to help advise upon the needs and direction of the system. Through their advisory roles to the SCLS Board of Trustees and staff, the AC and committees are charged with the aforementioned responsibilities. They are able to speak at meetings and vote on action items. Voting is used to formally record the decisions of the AC and committees in their roles as advisors to the SCLS Board of Trustees and staff. SCLS staff speaks at meetings, and, for all decisions, SCLS staff makes a recommendation but does not vote on action items. Individuals without an elected seat have the right to attend meetings and every agenda will include the opportunity to request to address the body, but they cannot vote. All SCLS member libraries have the right to make proposals and appeal any decision to the AC (for Delivery and Technology committee decisions) or the SCLS Board (for AC or ILS committee decisions). The decision of the SCLS board is final.
The third goal of using the system of advisory committees is to have more solution finding through the use of consensus building discussions where both minority and majority viewpoints are expressed.
Role of committees in regard to fees and budgets:
Each committee (DC, IC, and TC) will make recommendations to SCLS staff concerning the annual budget and the services provided. The SCLS Director will propose costs and member fees to the AC based on the recommendations of the committees, SCLS staff and Board of Trustees. The costs and member fees will be recommended by the AC at an All-Directors meeting. All directors will have the detailed fee recommendation at least two weeks in advance of that All-Directors meeting so there is time to review the proposal. The recommended costs and member fees will be used by the SCLS Director to prepare the SCLS system annual budget. The complete budget will be recommended by the AC before it is submitted to the SCLS Board and the Department of Public Instruction.
Methods of Voting within SCLS
- Used for member fees. Based on 1,000 shares split among members that receive the service.
- Based on the formula used in the Agreement to Participate in SCLS Technology Services.
- Uses consensus method at Administrative Council, ILS Committee, Technology Committee and Delivery Committee meetings
1 Library, 1 Vote
- Used for quick surveys and the SCLS Advantage budget amount.
- Most popular vote wins, a 51% percentage is not needed.
Approved November 17, 2022 All Directors Meeting
Evaluation Process:
The AC will review the governance structure as a regular part of the annual SCLS planning process, and will recommend changes to the structure if appropriate. The AC will seek feedback from SCLS member libraries as part of this review process. However, feedback will be welcomed and reviewed by the AC throughout the year, though changes may not be implemented until the time of the yearly review. Any changes recommended by the AC must be codified in the SCLS Board Bylaws, and must be approved by the SCLS Board Bylaws Committee and the complete SCLS Board before going into effect.
Where do you start with an idea or suggestion before taking it to a committee? Great innovations often start with a "what if" statement. SCLS is always on the lookout for ways to improve its services and encourage members to share their expertise and ideas. Share your suggestion.