Filled request: An interlibrary loan request is counted as filled at the time it is returned (for OCLC requests). Requests which are canceled, or for which materials are missing or lost, are not counted as filled. Requests which result in placing a hold on material are not counted as filled until the material is actually sent to the requesting library. Requests that are referred are counted as filled when the material is sent to the requesting library.
FirstSearch: The user interface we use to search WorldCat.
Group Catalog: A way of arranging WorldCat which allows user to easily search various subsets of WorldCat, or the entire WorldCat database. Scopes and their definitions include:
- Wisconsin Libraries: Wisconsin libraries of all types whose holdings are in WorldCat.
- Wisconsin Public Libraries: Wisconsin public libraries whose holdings are in WorldCat.
- Wisconsin Colleges and Universities: Libraries at Wisconsin universities and colleges whose holdings are in WorldCat.
- South Central Library System: LINKcat, Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, and Portage County Public Library.
- Libraries of South Central Library System: Libraries of all types in the 7 SCLS counties (Adams, Columbia, Dane, Green, Portage, Sauk, Wood) whose holdings are in WorldCat.
- MN, SD, ND, and WI libraries: Libraries of all types in these states whose holdings are in WorldCat. (This scope can also be thought of as "MINITEX libraries plus Wisconsin libraries.")
- Libraries Worldwide: The entire WorldCat database.
Interlibrary loan: The process by which library materials or photocopies are requested, or supplied, from one library to another.
OCLC: The vendor of both WorldCat and FirstSearch.
"Outerlibrary loan": The term we use for borrowing and lending of materials to libraries outside the South Central Library System.
Referred request: An request which cannot be filled within a library system may be referred, through proper channels, to libraries outside the system, and in turn, outside the state, if necessary.
Requesting library: The library which requests material from another library.
Supplying library: The library which supplies material requested from another library.
System clearinghouse: The organization within a library system which receives and refers loan requests on behalf of libraries within the system area. The clearinghouse may also serve as a resource library for the system.
WorldCat: The worldwide union catalog database we use for outerlibrary loan.
For information about placing OuterLibrary Loan requests for your patrons, contact Madison OuterLibrary Loan Office by email or at 608-266-6302.