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How often: 

Run on: Daily with results posted on Tuesdays

Run for: Each day, Monday through Sunday

About the report: Listing of all checkouts and renewals for the day broken out by hour and, if applicable, whether they were made on a self check.

Self check entries have SIP1 in the location column. The renewal counts include self renewals by patrons so they can occur outside of normal library hours.

Note: After the Bibliovation migration on December 9th, all self check transactions have a timestamp that is 5 hours ahead of our time zone. 

Note 2: Between December 9th and November 11, 2020 all selfcheck transactions were not marked as SIP so there is no way to tell if a transaction was on a self check or not from Bibliovation reports.  You will need to run reports on your self check units to get those numbers.  Starting November 12, 2020, the self check transactions were once again marked as SIP but still remain 5 hours ahead of our time zone.