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SCLS 2023 Annual Report Instructions

Timeline and Dates

Computer Requirements

Background and Getting Started

After You've Entered Your Information

Tips and Other Information You Will Need (Including 2022 Payment Information) 
(Please Note: these SCLS instructions supplement the official DPI instructions.)

Arranged by Annual Report Section:

Annual Report Timeline and Important Dates:

  • Information about library username and password for the LibPas system is the same as last year. If you don't have your username and password, contact Tracie Miller.
  • SCLS Annual Report Overview Webinar: Jan. 12, 2024, 10 a.m. (register).
  • Notify Tracie Miller when your report is ready to review by Feb. 16, 2024 (or earlier)
  • IMPORTANT: Your library board must review and approve, and your board president must sign, your annual report. This may mean rescheduling your library board meeting or making special arrangements.
  • Email a signed copy of your annual report to Tracie Miller at SCLS Administration by Feb. 26, 2024.
    • SCLS will forward all reports to DPI to meet the statutory deadline.

Computer Requirements:

  • Internet access
  • A (recent) web browser (the DPI reports that the application has been tested with Internet Explorer 8 and higher, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari).
  • To print the annual report forms, you will need PDF reader software such as Adobe Reader.

Background and Getting Started:

  • IMPORTANT: Read everything from the DPI before starting.
  • Check out this What's new in the 2023 Wisconsin Public Library Annual Report? information guide.
  • IMPORTANT: Libraries that are members of the ILS (LINKcat) will need to read and follow the ILS / LINKcat instructions.
  • The scls-annreport email list was created to communicate with those involved in the Annual Report process. Anyone who will be assisting with the report is encouraged to subscribe: go to the scls-annreport page and follow the directions on the screen.
  • While you are entering information, in addition to referring to the Instructions, brief definitions for data items are available by clicking on the hyperlinked name of the item. Fuller directions are available in the DPI instructions
  • Some tips on using the online form software:
    • For some questions, the data you reported last year appears to the right of the input box. Even if the 2022 data is exactly the same, you must enter it in the input box. 
    • If values change +/- more than 5% from one year to the next, LibPas will require a note of explanation before your form can be locked. Please use the bold number to the right of the data entry field (this is last year's value) to determine if your change is +/- 5% or more. If so, please be sure to add a note of explanation. 
    • If you do not supply an explanation for edit checks, messages about them, as well as required questions you have left blank, messages will appear when I click on Submit/Lock, and your report will remain unlocked until you rectify them all. 
  • IMPORTANT: This report is mandated by state statute, and must be approved by your library board and signed by the board president and library director.
    • The statement in the Certification at the end of the report says: "I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this annual report and any attachments are true and accurate and the library board has reviewed and approved this report." Please note that this statement refers to the entire report, not just Section XIV, the Assurance of Compliance. 
    • Be sure to keep your board informed about the information in the report. 
    • In order to have the report approved by your board you may need to reschedule a board meeting or make special arrangements. Please meet the deadlines described in the timeline above. 
  • Try to access and use the online form as soon as you can, even if you don't plan to begin entering information yet.
  • See if you can access the online LibPAS form, following the DPI instructions. (If more than one person works on various parts of the form, you will need to perform this test at every workstation that will be used.) This will give you time to address any problems accessing the form, and still give you time to enter your information. Test to see that the data you are entering is actually saved: fill in some of the parts in a section, click Save, exit, then re-enter the annual report. Verify the data you saved.

Gather all of the answers to the questions before you sit down to start entering the information online. To speed the online process, you can print off a copy of the 2023 work sheet from the DPI and enter your information there. The actual time it takes to enter the annual report information is relatively short. If you are interrupted while entering information online, save your work before you walk away.

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After You've Entered Your Information:

  • Do NOT click on Submit/Lock. Tracie will do this after she has reviewed your report and you have made any necessary changes.
  • Notify Tracie Miller when your report is ready to review: By Feb. 16, 2024 (or earlier) to provide ample time.
  • Click on Print (in the upper right hand corner) to generate a PDF of your report. Click on the printer icon in the upper left hand corner of the PDF to print a copy of the report so you can refer to it when called or emailed about any questions or corrections.
  • When your report has been reviewed, and corrected (if necessary), notify Tracie Miller so she can give it a final review, then she will lock the file, which will remove the "Draft" watermark. Tracie will notify you when this has been done. Do NOT click on "Submit/Lock." At this point, Tracie can still unlock the file if additional changes are needed.
  • Print a copy. DPI will only accept as final approved documents those without the "Draft" watermark. 
  • After your board approves the report, make additional copies (see below) and have all copies signed by the Library Board President and Library Director. Remember that these signatures signify that the report has been reviewed and approved by the library board. When scanning and emailing the signed report, please review and verify that all pages are in the correct order. Once Tracie has received your signed email copy, she will forward the electronic version to DLT, at which time only DLT can unlock it for further changes.
  • Distribute signed copies as follows:
    • Email one (1) copy to Tracie Miller, at SCLS Headquarters, by Feb. 26, 2024, so it can be forwarded to DPI by the statutory deadline.
    • Keep one (1) copy for your files.
    • Give one (1) copy to your municipality.
    • In Columbia, Dane, Green, and Sauk Counties, give one (1) copy to the director of your county resource library.
    • In Wood County, send one (1) copy to the Chair of the Wood County Library Board.
    • Follow your local procedures for any additional copies (for example, library board members.)

TIPS & OTHER INFORMATION YOU WILL NEED arranged by Annual Report section (includes 2023 Payment Information)

(Note: these instructions supplement and do NOT replace the DPI instructions, which you MUST read!)

SECTION I (General Information)

This section will be pre-filled from DPI, but be sure to review it and make any additions or corrections. (see the DPI instructions)

#14, #15 & #16 (concerning branches, bookmobiles & other public service outlets) need to be completed even if your library has no branches/bookmobiles/other outlets. Enter "0" if your library does not have any. 

# 19 (Hours Library is Open). If your library maintains the same open hours all year, then enter the number of hours open per week in #19a and the number of weeks in the year in #19b. Then you would enter "0" for both #19c and #19d.

# 22 (UEI Number)—This field is optional. If your library has a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number on file with the DPI, the field will be pre-filled. Obtaining and providing a UEI Number for your library before it is needed can prevent delays in the LSTA grant application and award process. A UEI Number is required to apply for federal funds such as LSTA grants. Obtaining a UEI number is a free one-time process at


SECTION II (Library Collection)

#1a. (Books in Print—End of Year Total). For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#1b. (Books in Print Added During Year). For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you— see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#2. (Electronic Books—E-books). This number has been pre-filled for all SCLS member libraries from statistics provided by the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC) for titles that are available to all SCLS libraries (including the SCLS OverDrive Advantage program) from Wisconsin's Digital Library. If your library circulates portable e-book readers (that are cataloged) then you should add them to this number (see the DPI instructions). According to the DPI instructions, "E-books packaged together as a unit, such as multiple titles on a single e-book reader, and checked out as a unit are counted as one unit." If you subscribe to Hoopla or another resource, you can add e-book collections. If the service is pay-per-view (like Hoopla), you can only add those that are actually downloaded and used. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled numbers remember to add a note explaining the change.

#3a. (Audio Materials—End of Year Total). For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#3b. (Audio Materials Added During Year). For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#4. (Electronic Audio Materials—Downloadable). This number has been pre-filled for all SCLS member libraries from statistics provided by the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC) for titles that are available to all SCLS libraries (including the SCLS OverDrive Advantage program) from Wisconsin's Digital Library. If you subscribe to Hoopla or another resource, you can add e-audio collections. If the service is pay-per-view (like Hoopla), you can only add those that are actually downloaded and used. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled numbers remember to add a note explaining the change.

#5a. (Video Materials). For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#5b. (Video Added During Year). For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#6. (Electronic Video Materials—Downloadable). As of September 1, 2022 the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC) withdrew all video titles that were available to all SCLS libraries from Wisconsin's Digital Library. SCLS has pre-populated this field with a "0".  If you subscribe to Hoopla or another resource, you can add e-video collections. If the service is pay-per-view (like Hoopla), you can only add those that are actually downloaded and used. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled numbers remember to add a note explaining the change. 

#7a. (Other Materials Owned). This category includes any special collections (toy kits, realia, equipment, etc.) of other materials owned by your library that are not already reported above. For LINKcat libraries this number has been pre-filled for you—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions. If a number is entered here, you must provide a brief description of the "other materials" in #7b.

#8a. (Electronic Collections—locally owned or leased). Report the number of electronic collections owned or leased by the library. In the note section, list the names of your electronic collections (example: Ancestry, Novelist, etc.)

#8b. (Other Electronic Collections—purchased by your library system or consortia). Per DPI, OverDrive Magazines will be reported here. SCLS has pre-filled this for you and it should not be changed.

#8c. (Statewide Electronic Collections—provided through BadgerLink). This number has been pre-filled for your library by the DPI using the number of databases available to all public libraries in Wisconsin through BadgerLink. You should not change this pre-filled number.

#9. (Total Electronic Collections). This number is automatically calculated for you. 

#10. (Subscriptions). This number is the total number of current print serial subscriptions (including duplicate subscriptions) for your library: magazines, newspapers, annuals, etc. According to the DPI (via an e-mail message from 1-24-14), these serials do not need to be cataloged in order to be counted. Count subscriptions purchased from the library's budget as well as subscriptions donated to the library as gifts. However, do not count personal or staff subscriptions. Do not count electronic subscriptions for Flipster or other online magazine subscription services. For LINKcat libraries, see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#11. (Total Physical Items in Collection). This number is automatically calculated for you.

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SECTION III (Library Services)

#1a. (Total Annual Circulation) has been pre-filled for LINKcat libraries—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#1b. (Circulation of Children's Materials) has been pre-filled for LINKcat libraries—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#1c. (Circulation of Other Physical Items) - has been pre-filled for LINKcat libraries—see the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#2a and #2b. (Items Loaned and Items Received). See the DPI instructions. LINKcat libraries should select Total ILL not "Categorized ILL—For calculation details see the ILS / LINKcat instructions

#3a and #3b. (Registered Resident and Nonresident Users). Resident users live in your library’s municipality. Nonresident users live outside your municipality. LINKcat libraries—this data has been pre-filled for you—if you have questions, follow the instructions in the ILS / LINKcat instructions.

#3d (Overdue Fine Policy) Does your library charge overdue fines to any user when they fail to return physical print material by the due date. Answer "yes" or 'no". The question was asked of DPI, what about audio or video material? Only physical print material should be considered.

#4, #5 and #6 UPDATED (Reference Transactions, Library Visits and Uses of Public Internet Computers). There are two options for the method used to collect this data: “actual count,” and “survey week. Not collecting this data and reporting “did not collect” is no longer an option. Every library should at least do a one-week sample survey.

#4. (Reference Transactions). Review the definition of a reference transaction in the DPI instructions, and refer to the SCLS "Reference Questions and Statistic" page. Be sure to count all reference questions, no matter how they were received (in person, by phone, by email, etc.), but NOT directional questions. You may use a typical week sample and multiply it by the number of weeks you were open. 

#5. (Library Visits). Report the number of people entering your library for whatever purpose during the year.

#6. (Uses of Public Internet Computers). Report the number of uses (sessions) of public Internet computers in your library in the last year. The instructions allow you to report all usage if computers are used for multiple purposes, and Internet usage can't be isolated. LINKcat libraries, include usage of LINKcat public workstations. 

Information about collecting this use data is available on the SCLS website at How to collect the number of users of public Internet computers. This page includes instructions for pulling data from "Library Online" and "MyPC" tracking software, and also offers suggestions for libraries that don't use tracking software.

Do NOT include usage by patrons using their own laptops/wireless devices and your library's wireless Internet access. 

(Number of Public Use Computers). When calculating this number, DO NOT include self checkout workstations, or laptops brought in by the public (you MAY include library-owned laptops that use the library's wireless access). According to the DPI instructions, you are allowed to include LINKcat or other nonLINKcat catalog computers that may have limited Internet access.

#7a. (Method for Counting Uses of Public Wireless Internet) and #7b. (Annual Count of Uses of Public Wireless Internet). For those libraries that use the Enterprise Wireless (Meraki) System, SCLS will pre-fill the data. The pre-fill can be double checked by referring to the Meraki data dashboard. If you do not use the Meraki System, you will have to determine your wireless session usage.

#8. (Number of Website Visits). This number will be pre-populated for those website SCLS hosts, and for others for which we have been given access to Google Analytics.

#9a. (Electronic Collections Retrievals—locally owned or leased).  SCLS will pre-populate retrievals from the databases listed below. Contact Tracie if you would like a breakdown of these retrievals.

  • Consumer Reports
  • Gale Literature Resource Center
  • Gale eBooks
  • Gale Directory Library
  • NoveList Plus
  • Transparent Language
  • Ancestry

Note: Libraries with additional locally owned or leased electronic collections, for which SCLS can't access usage data, will need to collect their usage data on their own. Please add this data to the pre-populated retrieval amount and add a note. 

#9b. (Other Electronic Collections Retrievals—purchased by library system or consortia). Per DPI, OverDrive Magazine retrievals will be reported here. SCLS has pre-populated, and the number should not be changed.

#9c. (Statewide Electronic Collections Retrievals— provided through BadgerLink). This number will be pre-populated (when available). If libraries want to try pulling their own numbers, follow these instructions.

#9d. (Total Electronic Collections Retrievals— local, system, and statewide). This number will be automatically calculated.

#10a. (Uses of E-Books by Users of Your Library). This has been pre-filled for all SCLS member libraries—based upon OverDrive statistics. If your library circulates e-book readers that are pre-loaded with e-books, you can add those separate circulation statistics to the number that has been pre-filled for your library. You can also add usage of any e-books from services like Hoopla or other resources. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled number remember to add a note explaining the change.

#10b. (Uses of E-Audio by Users of Your Library). This has been pre-filled for all SCLS member libraries—based upon OverDrive statistics. You can also add usage of any e-audio from services like Hoopla or other resources. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled number remember to add a note explaining the change.

#10c. (Uses of E-Video by Users of Your Library). This has been pre-filled for all SCLS member libraries with '0'.  You can add usage of any e-video from services like Hoopla or other resources. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled number remember to add a note explaining the change.

#10e. (Uses of Children's Electronic Materials)—Total uses of children’s downloadable content (e-books, e-audio, and e-video) is pre-filled by the DPI with information provided by the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC)—based upon OverDrive statistics. If you have tracked them separately, you can add usage of any children's e-books, e-audio or e-video from services like Hoopla or other resources. Individual libraries must run these reports. If you change the pre-filled number remember to add a note explaining the change.

#11. (In Person Programs and Program Attendance). Include only those events sponsored or co-sponsored by the library, NOT those sponsored by other groups. Include adults who attend children's programs or young adult programs in children's or young adult program attendance. Do NOT include activities delivered on a one-to-one basis, such as tutoring or homework assistance.  Please refer to the DPI Instructions if you have questions. More information about programs is available here. Newly adopted statistics breakout the targeted age ranges for programming into children ages 0-5, children ages 6-11, young adults ages 12-18, adults ages 19+, and general interest programs. These ages ranges are the targeted age group of the program and not the ages of attendees of the programs. The other adopted programming statistic will request information regarding the location of the program as either “on-site” or “off-site.” Another aspect collected is in-person, live virtual, and pre-recorded distinction in programming that equates to the synchronous and asynchronous programming component of the data element.

#12. (Virtual Programs and Virtual Program Attendance). Live, virtual programs is any planned library program that is live-streamed virtually and viewed as it progresses (called "synchronous live-streaming"). Regardless of the number of formats in which the program session is offered, each program session should only be counted once. Please refer to the DPI Instructions if you have questions.

#13 (Pre-recorded Programs and Pre-recorded Program Attendance). A pre-recorded library program is any planned event that is recorded by the library for later, on-demand viewing (called "asynchronous streaming"). Only include programs posted during Jan 1 - Dec 31. Regardless of the format, each pre-recorded program is counted once. Only include views of program sessions for a period of thirty days after the presentation was posted. Please refer to the DPI Instructions if you have questions.

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SECTION IV (Library Governance)

This section will be pre-populated with the names from the previous year’s annual report. (NOTE: Be sure you do not just automatically accept what is entered—instead, review the information and make any necessary corrections.)

While most of the annual report requires that you report as of the last day of 2023, this section requires you to report CURRENT data, as of the date you are entering it. Additionally, many libraries have not been entering email addresses for these board members. The DPI needs an email address for at least one board member, preferably the board president.

#2 (Number of Library Board Members). This question is often overlooked simply because of where it falls within the Annual Report. Report the number of library board members here including any vacancies.

SECTION V (Library Operating Revenue)

Report ONLY library operating income/revenue here, NOT capital. When reporting both revenue and expenditures for your library on this Annual Report, the DPI has repeatedly stressed that you do not need to wait for official audit results from your municipality. See the definitions of both operating and capital funds in the DPI instructions for Sections VI and VII.

According to the DPI (and verified by the DPI staff): "Library operating costs paid directly by the municipality may be included as income and expenditures; however, the library must be able to document the expenditure of these funds for library purposes. (For example, employee fringe benefits or library heating and electrical expenses in a shared facility may be paid directly by the municipality. If documented, these expenditures may be included.)"


#1. (Local Municipal Appropriations for Library Service). Library operating costs (utilities, etc.) paid directly by your municipality may be included here; however, you must be able to document the expenditure of these funds for library purposes.

#2a. (Home County Appropriation for Library Service). If your library receives monies from your home county in addition to a rural reimbursement payment (for example, Sauk County's technology funds or Green County's improved access funds), those monies should be reported here. If your library's county funds include more than just rural use payments, then please add a note to this question, explaining the various county funds.

#2b. (Other County Payments). If your library "billed" adjacent counties for serving their rural residents, and received payment during 2023, enter those payments here. Enter the county name and the amount that your library received.

#3. (State Funds). These are state funds, received by the library from SCLS, or another state program. State funds reported here DO include SCLS youth literacy grants since these are sent to the library. You should also report TEACH funds here if you received a direct payment or reimbursement for expenses.

#3a. (Public Library System State Funds). If your library received funds from SCLS for Youth Literacy Grants, they are listed below. Libraries that received a TEACH grant in 2023 are listed below. Report each of these grants on separate lines in #3a. and be sure to include the description.

2023 SCLS Payments for Youth Literacy Grants

Name Total
Adams County Library  $    450.00
Albany Public Library (ALB)  $    450.00
Amherst Public Library  $    450.00
Arpin Public Library  $    450.00
Baraboo Public Library  $    524.97
Belleville Public Library  $    450.00
Black Earth Public Library  $    434.60
Cambria.  $    450.00
Cambridge Community Library  $    450.00
Columbus Public Library  $    475.00
Cross Plains Public Library  $    475.00
Dane County Library Service  $    825.00
Deerfield Public Library  $    450.00
Deforest Public Library  $    400.00
Fitchburg Public Library.  $    525.00
Hutchinson Memorial Library  $    475.00
Kilbourn Public Library  $    475.00
Kraemer Library & Community Center  $    450.00
LaValle Public Library  $    450.00
Lodi Woman's Club Public Library  $    475.00
Madison Public Library  $ 4,100.00
Marshall Community Library  $    445.50
Marshall Community Library  $      29.50
Marshfield Public Library  $    550.00
Mazomanie Public Library  $    450.00
McFarland Public Library  $    475.00
Middleton Public Library  $    509.73
Monona Public Library  $    514.79
Monroe Public Library  $    525.00
Monticello Public Library  $    450.00
Mt. Horeb Public Library  $    475.00
Nekoosa Public Library  $    475.00
New Glarus Public Library  $    450.00
North Freedom Public Library  $    450.00
Oregon Public Library  $    474.40
Pardeeville Public Library  $    450.00
Pittsville Community Library  $    450.00
Portage County Public Library  $ 1,948.00
Portage Public Library  $    525.00
Poynette Public Library  $    450.00
Prairie du Sac Public Library  $    475.00
Reedsburg Public Library  $    525.00
Rio Public Library  $    400.00
Rock Springs Public Library  $    450.00
Sauk City Public Library  $    475.00
Spring Green Community Library  $    450.00
Stoughton Public Library  $    519.74
Sun Prairie Public Library  $    525.00
Town of Rome  $    450.00
Verona Public Library  $    523.14
Vesper Public Library  $    448.20
Waunakee Public Library  $    475.00

Libraries Receiving 2023 TEACH Grants - SCLS did not distribute TEACH Grants


#4. (Federal Funds). Libraries that apply for and receive e-rate funds on their own should list them here. (See the DPI instructions for more explanation about reporting E-rate reimbursement or discounts.

Wisconsin public library and regional library systems receive E-rate reimbursement in one of two ways: as a reduction in the cost of paid services or as a check (EFT) in the amount of the reimbursement.

  • If the cost of service is reduced, only the actual amount paid is reported as an operating expenditure and no corresponding revenue/income is received to be reported.
  • If reimbursement is received separately, the resulting lower cost is not reflected anywhere in operating expenditures but is included in operating revenue.

All LSTA project funds received should be reported here, unless they were used for capital expenses (in which case they are reported, as both revenue and expenditure, in Section VII, Library Capital Revenue, Expenditures, and Debt Retirement). During 2023 SCLS did not coordinate a system wide LSTA grant project. According to the Division for Libraries and Technology (DLT), CARES Act funds paid to libraries should be reported as Federal Funds.

If you received ARPA funds from any source (municipality, state or SCLS) report them as Federal Funds. Only report if you received funds for reimbursement of expenses. Do not include if the municipality, state or SCLS purchased items on your behalf.

2023 e-Rate Reimbursements for Libraries (managed by SCLS)

Libraries receiving funds from SCLS for e-Rate reimbursement are listed below. SCLS distributed these funds in January and December of 2023. Some libraries received reimbursement in both months. Report the Grant total in #4 and be sure to include the description.

Name Total JAN '23 DEC '23
Belleville Public Library  $      142.13  $      142.13  
Black Earth Public Library  $      173.69  $        96.36  $       77.33
Lodi Woman's Club Public Library  $      248.41  $      146.38  $     102.03
Madison Public Library  $ 15,667.66  $ 15,667.66  
McFarland Public Library  $      307.91  $      307.91  
McMillan Memorial Library  $      548.81  $      427.55  $     121.26
Monona Public Library  $   1,624.61  $      673.53  $     951.08
Monticello Public Library  $      172.75  $        96.01  $       76.74
New Glarus Public Library  $      107.14  $      107.14  
Oregon Public Library  $      251.00  $      251.00  
Portage County Public Library  $   7,131.40  $   4,853.54  $  2,277.86
Poynette Public Library  $      178.72  $      120.22  $       58.50
Stoughton Public Library  $      380.63  $      279.45  $     101.18

2023 LSTA Grants for Libraries for 2023 CE Grants and Scholarships (managed by SCLS)

Name Total
Albertson Memorial Library  $   382.50
Angie W. Cox Public Library  $   478.64
Arpin Public Library  $     80.00
Baraboo Public Library  $   610.00
Black Earth Public Library  $   526.00
Cambridge Community Library  $   330.60
Columbus Public Library  $1,495.51
Deforest Public Library  $   382.50
E. D.  Locke Public Library  $   400.00
Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library  $   300.00
Fitchburg Public Library.  $   800.00
Hutchinson Memorial Library  $   382.50
Jane Morgan Memorial Library  $   582.50
Lester Public Library of Rome  $   382.50
Madison Public Library  $1,629.70
Mazomanie Public Library  $   978.18
Middleton Public Library  $1,100.00
Monticello Public Library  $   818.21
New Glarus Public Library  $   382.50
Oregon Public Library  $1,100.00
Portage County Public Library  $   400.00
Portage Public Library  $1,149.00
Poynette Public Library  $   512.44
Reedsburg Public Library  $   722.98
Rio Public Library  $   525.00
Rock Springs Public Library  $   765.00
Sauk City Public Library  $   300.00
Spring Green Community Library  $   300.00
Verona Public Library  $   400.00
Wyocena Public Library  $   382.50

2023 CARES Grant for Libraries (managed by SCLS) - There were no 2023 CARES Grants managed by SCLS

#5. (Contract Income) Contract income is income received from government units, libraries, and library systems other than your system for services provided by the library.

#6. (Funds Carried Forward) refers to tax funds, not gift monies, carried forward from 2022 and used in 2023. Tax funds carried over from 2022 but not used in 2023 should be reported as an addition to Section VIII (Other Funds Held by the Library Board). 

#7. (All Other Operating Income) includes fines, lost book payments, copy machine money, rental fees, other miscellaneous income and gift money, reserve funds held at SCLS, etc. which were available for expenditure in 2023 (whether it was expended or not). Gift monies are reported as "all other operating income" in the year they are received, regardless of whether they are expended. Gift monies unspent and carried forward from 2022 are reported in Section VIII (Other Funds Held by the Library Board) or IX (Trust Funds).

#9. (2023 Appropriation). This is the amount your library will receive from your municipality in 2024 for your operating budget. 

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SECTION VI. (Library Operating Expenditures)

Report only operating expenditures here, NOT capital.

According to the DPI (and verified by the DPI staff): "Library operating costs paid directly by the municipality may be included as income and expenditures; however, the library must be able to document the expenditure of these funds for library purposes. (For example, employee fringe benefits or library heating and electrical expenses in a shared facility may be paid directly by the municipality. If documented, these expenditures may be included.)"

#1. (Salaries and Wages). Enter the amount of salaries and wages for all library staff, exclude employee benefits.

#2. (Employee Benefits). Include amounts for paid employee benefits including Social Security, retirement, medical insurance, life insurance, guaranteed disability income protection, unemployment compensation, etc.

#3a. (Print Material). Report all expenditures for print materials. (books, print serial subscriptions, government documents, etc.)

#3b. (Electronic Material). Be sure to include here the amount expended by your library for databases, OverDrive (and Advantage), Flipster, Hoopla, etc. in 2023.

#3c. (Audiovisual Materials). If your library is a member of the Audio Book Circuit (ABC) created by SCLS member libraries, include those costs here.

#3d. (All Other Materials). If your library circulates pre-loaded e-book readers to patrons, and if you purchased e-book readers during 2023, then the recommendation from the DPI is to record those expenditures here (rather than under #3cAudiovisual Materials). 

#4. (Contracts for Services). Amounts paid by libraries and counties to SCLS for Technology, ILS (LINKcat), and Delivery Services are reported below, alphabetically by municipality. Enterprise Wireless costs should be only be reported here if you added access points mid-year and received a separate billing. Although it may seem logical to also enter here the amount that your library pays for SCLS-coordinated services such as MyPC and Bibliotheca, they are not considered contractual according to the DPI's definition. Those expenses should be included under Question #5 (Other Operating Expenditures). Starting in 2020 Bibliotheca invoiced libraries directly for their maintenance contracts.

Libraries' Payments to SCLS for Technology & ILS (LINKcat) Services in 2023 (the provider is SCLS)

Name Tech/ILS Payment Computers added in 2023 Total
Adams County Library (ACL)  $   24,665.00    $     24,665.00
Baraboo (BAR)  $   49,752.65    $     49,752.65
Belleville (BLV)  $   24,762.72    $     24,762.72
Black Earth (BER)  $   14,432.00    $     14,432.00
Brodhead (BRD)  $   21,811.22    $     21,811.22
Cambria (CIA)  $     9,969.21    $       9,969.21
Cambridge (CBR)  $   22,649.54    $     22,649.54
Columbus (COL)  $   22,323.93    $     22,323.93
Cross Plains (CSP)  $   29,648.25    $     29,648.25
Dane County (DCL)  $   29,918.62    $     29,918.62
Deerfield (DEE)  $   15,866.43    $     15,866.43
Deforest (DFT)  $   52,451.94    $     52,451.94
Fitchburg Public Library (FCH)  $   84,193.86    $     84,193.86
Lodi Woman's Club Public Library (LDI)  $   21,482.70    $     21,482.70
Madison Public Library (MAD)  $ 598,374.00    $   598,374.00
Marshall (MAR)  $   16,763.04    $     16,763.04
Marshfield (MFD)  $   25,700.00    $     25,700.00
Mazomanie (MAZ)  $   12,269.20    $     12,269.20
McFarland (MCF)  $   47,673.81    $     47,673.81
Middleton (MID)  $   81,316.15    $     81,316.15
Monona (MOO)  $   44,176.08  $         458.34  $     44,634.42
Monroe (MRO)  $   46,012.25    $     46,012.25
Monticello (MNT)  $   11,881.68    $     11,881.68
Mt. Horeb (MTH)  $   44,857.76    $     44,857.76
Nekoosa (NEK)  $   16,156.63    $     16,156.63
New Glarus (NGL)  $   17,544.39    $     17,544.39
North Freedom (NOF)  $   11,788.67    $     11,788.67
Oregon (ORE)  $   50,451.91  $         500.00  $     50,951.91
Pardeeville (PAR)  $   13,655.59    $     13,655.59
Plain (PLA)  $   14,763.66    $     14,763.66
Portage (POR)  $   39,070.24    $     39,070.24
Portage County (STP)  $ 106,392.31    $   106,392.31
Poynette (POY)  $   17,027.80    $     17,027.80
Prairie du Sac (PDS)  $   37,742.68    $     37,742.68
Hutchinson Memorial Library (RAN)  $   15,075.07    $     15,075.07
Reedsburg (REE)  $   48,853.91    $     48,853.91
Rio (RIO)  $     6,157.00    $       6,157.00
Rome (ROM)  $   15,481.79    $     15,481.79
Sauk City (SKC)  $   27,837.93    $     27,837.93
Spring Green (SGR)  $   22,175.89  $         166.68  $     22,342.57
Stoughton (STO)  $   48,025.14    $     48,025.14
Sun Prairie (SUN)  $ 117,088.66    $   117,088.66
Verona (VER)  $ 110,242.00    $   110,242.00
Waunakee (WAU)  $   68,758.32    $     68,758.32
Wisconsin Dells (WID)  $   29,603.78    $     29,603.78
Wisconsin Rapids (MCM)  $   72,030.19    $     72,030.19
Wyocena Public Library (WYO)  $     8,564.12  $         250.00  $       8,814.12

Libraries' Payments to SCLS for MyPC / Envisionware Services in 2023 (include in Other Operating Expenditures)

Name My PC Fee Envisionware Fee Total
Adams County Library (ACL)  $    135.00    $        135.00
Baraboo (BAR)  $    165.00    $        165.00
Belleville (BLV)  $      90.00  $                 175.00  $        265.00
Black Earth (BER)  $      60.00    $           60.00
Brodhead (BRD)  $      90.00    $           90.00
Columbus (COL)  $      90.00    $           90.00
Cross Plains (CSP)  $    150.00    $        150.00
Deerfield (DEE)  $      45.00    $           45.00
Deforest (DFT)    $                 427.25  $        427.25
Fitchburg Public Library (FCH)  $    375.00    $        375.00
Lodi Woman's Club Public Library (LDI)  $      75.00    $           75.00
Madison Public Library (MAD)  $ 2,295.00  $              4,900.00  $   7,195.00
Marshfield (MFD)    $                 450.00  $        450.00
Mazomanie (MAZ)  $      30.00    $           30.00
McFarland (MCF)  $    180.00  $                 805.00  $        985.00
Monona (MOO)  $    120.00  $                 525.00  $        645.00
Monroe (MRO)  $    315.00    $        315.00
Monticello (MNT)  $      45.00    $           45.00
Mt. Horeb (MTH)    $                 577.50  $        577.50
Nekoosa (NEK)  $      90.00    $           90.00
New Glarus (NGL)  $      45.00    $           45.00
Oregon (ORE)  $    150.00    $        150.00
Pardeeville (PAR)  $      45.00    $           45.00
Plain (PLA)  $      75.00    $           75.00
Portage (POR)  $    165.00  $                 612.25  $        777.25
Portage County (STP)  $    480.00    $        480.00
Poynette (POY)  $      60.00  $                 124.75  $        184.75
Prairie du Sac (PDS)  $    195.00    $        195.00
Hutchinson Memorial Library (RAN)    $                 124.75  $        124.75
Reedsburg (REE)  $    150.00  $                 455.00  $        605.00
Rome (ROM)  $      90.00    $           90.00
Sauk City (SKC)  $      60.00    $           60.00
Spring Green (SGR)  $      90.00    $           90.00
Stoughton (STO)  $      90.00    $           90.00
Sun Prairie (SUN)  $    345.00    $        345.00
Verona (VER)  $    345.00    $        345.00
Waunakee (WAU)  $    165.00    $        165.00
Wisconsin Dells (WID)  $    135.00    $        135.00
Wisconsin Rapids (MCM)  $    300.00    $        300.00

Libraries' and Counties' Payments to SCLS for Delivery Service in 2023 (the provider is SCLS).

Name Amount
Adams County Library (ACL)  $   6,400.00
Albany (ALB)  $   1,232.00
Baraboo (BAR)  $   2,940.00
Brodhead (BRD)  $   1,232.00
Cambria (CIA)  $   2,927.00
Columbus (COL)  $   6,512.00
Hutchinson Memorial Library (RAN)  $   4,271.00
Lodi Woman's Club Public Library (LDI)  $   6,483.00
Marshfield (MFD)  $   4,376.00
Monroe (MRO)  $   2,466.00
Monticello (MNT)  $   1,232.00
New Glarus (NGL)  $   1,232.00
North Freedom (NOF)  $      757.00
Pardeeville (PAR)  $   3,296.00
Plain (PLA)  $      996.00
Portage (POR)  $   8,336.00
Portage County (STP)  $ 20,591.00
Poynette (POY)  $   4,750.00
Prairie du Sac (PDS)  $   2,123.00
Reedsburg (REE)  $   2,560.00
Rio (RIO)  $   2,006.00
Rome (ROM)  $   3,505.00
Sauk City (SKC)  $   2,153.00
Spring Green (SGR)  $   1,556.00
Wisconsin Dells (WID)  $   6,334.00
Wisconsin Rapids (MCM)  $   4,376.00
Wyocena Public Library (WYO)  $   2,048.00

#7. (Operating Expenditures from Federal Sources)—Of all the operating expenditures you report in #1-5 in this section, report here the amount expended from federal program sources. This is a subset of the total expenditures reported in question #6, not an additional amount. This should almost always be the same amount you reported as the total income from Federal funds, in Section V, Question #4. If the library is reimbursed for 2023 operating expenditures by a federal program such as E-rate, LSTA Grants to State, or Laura Bush 21st Century Library Program (for ILEAD USA-Wisconsin), or ARPA, expenditures from federal sources must not be zero. The criteria for reporting the amount is the year in which the funds were expended and not the year in which reimbursement was received.

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SECTION VIII (Other Funds Held by the Library Board)

This could include such things as funds from donations, investment interest, funds in SCLS “holding accounts,” funds in an account with SCLS Foundation, etc. Follow the instructions to enter Beginning Balance, Additions, and Subtractions. The Total will calculate automatically. If you move funds from one account to another, that should not be reported as an addition or subtraction. If they are in Other Funds Held and you move them from one account to another, the end result is the same. You should only report new money (deposits or interest), and subtractions (withdrawals to cover expenditures or market loss/fees). If you have no “other funds” click the “No other funds” box. Any funds subtracted from this section and to cover 2023 expenditures should also be added to Section V, No. 7, All Other Operating Expenditures. An equal amount should be added somewhere in your library expenditures. When you show subtractions in this field, please add a note to explain whether it was market loss or what expenditure it was used for.

SECTION IX (Trust Funds)

If the library board has appointed a board member as financial secretary, who is bonded, and has invested funds as permitted by Wisconsin Statutes 66.0603(1m), 112.11(3), 66.0603(2), or 112.11(5), information about the activity of those funds is reported here. Follow the instructions to enter a Beginning Balance, Additions, and Subtractions. The Total will calculate automatically.

If you report an amount here, you must also attach a report of those funds to the final print copies you send to SCLS. It need NOT include all the bank statements throughout the year. 

If you do not have any funds that meet the definition of trust funds click the “No Trust Funds” box. Most libraries do not have Trust Funds. Contact Tracie Miller if you have questions.

SECTION X (Staff) See DPI Instructions for Explanation of New Job Titles

#1. Report as of the last day of the year just ended—2023. Report all positions funded by the library's budget whether those positions were filled or not—do not report volunteers. Libraries with 15 or fewer employees must include all employees under 1a and 1b. Libraries with more than 20 employees should list the director, chief assistants, branch librarians, department heads, and other supervisory personnel in #1a and certain information in #1b. ALL libraries must complete question #2. 

#1a. (Directors, department heads, branch heads, and full-tim or permanent staff). Provide the information requested for library staff holding the title of Librarian, and other staff, as space permits. Libraries with more than 15 employees list branch librarians, department heads, etc., and include others by title in 1b. There is a pulldown for “Type of Staff”—select the one which applies for each position. The Director must be entered on the first line—and indicate whether or not the director has an MLS using the “Type of Staff” pulldown. This section does not require the names of employees.

#1b. (Other Paid Staff). Libraries with 15 or fewer employees may report all staff in #1a. Libraries with more than 15 employees should provide the requested information for as many position classifications as space allows, beginning with those classifications with the most hours worked in a week. This question includes all employees paid from the library's budget. Even if space doesn’t permit entering all staff in 1b, ALL staff must be included in the calculations in #2, below. Enter the position classification in “Job Title,” the TOTAL wages paid to everyone in that classification in “Total Annual Wages Paid,” and the TOTAL number of hours worked per WEEK by everyone in that classification in “Hours Worked / Week.” In the "Type of Staff" pulldown, indicate whether the position has the title of "librarian" or requires an ALA MLS. See the example in the DPI instructions.

#2. (Library Staff Full-Time Equivalents—FTEs). All libraries must complete this question. Refer to the DPI instructions. Contact Tracie Miller if you have questions. 

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SECTION XI (Public Library Loans of Material to Nonresidents)

This section is primarily concerned with circulation to nonresidentspeople who live outside your library's governmental unit / municipality. Please note that questions 2, 3, and 4 will automatically subtotal, and the amount entered in #1 is pre-filled with the totals from 2-6. For the 2023 Annual Report, Questions #2 through #7 & #9 have been pre-filled for LINKcat librariessee the ILS / LINKcat instructions. To assist in determining adjacent counties, and the systems to which they belong, use the Wisconsin Public Library System map (from DPI ).

#3. (Circulation to Nonresidents Living in Another County in Your System). The seven counties in your system (SCLS) are Adams, Columbia, Dane, Green, Portage, Sauk, and Wood. This is pre-filled for LINKcat libraries.

#4. (Circulation to Nonresidents Living in an Adjacent County Not in Your System). These are counties that are adjacent to your county but not one of the seven counties in SCLS territory.  A county is adjacent if it shares any part of a border, or only touches at a corner. This is pre-filled for LINKcat libraries.

#7. (Method for Detemining Circulation Allocation). If your library is using circulation statistics either from LINKcat or your own library catalog, then you should select "actual" as the method of determining circulation allocation from this drop-down menu. This is pre-filled for LINKcat libraries.

#8. (Access Denied Under s.43.17(11)(b). There is currently only one SCLS public library that have unique access situations with a library in an adjacent system. So all but one SCLS members will answer "no" to this question.

#9. (Circulation to Nonresidents Living in an Adjacent County Who Do Not have a Local Public Library). This section is very important because this information is used to calculate the financial reimbursement your library is eligible to receive from adjacent counties. Included are documented circulations to county residents who don't directly support a local library. Names of adjacent counties have been pre-populated for all SCLS libraries. Question 9 is a subset of the amount reported in lines 1-6 above, not an additional amount. These circulation numbers have been pre-filled for LINKcat libraries. Non-LINKcat libraries, please use the ILS/LINKcat instructions to determine your circulation numbers.

Contact Tracie Miller if you have questions.

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SECTION XII (Technology) Please read the DPI Instructions, as this is an expanded and revised section.

#1 Indicate the speed of your connection to the Internet. For those libraries that receive TECH services from SCLS, we have pre-populated this information for you. If you do not use SCLS for your TECH, please use the DPI Instructions

#5a. Is your library CIPA compliant?  For those libraries that receive TECH services from SCLS, we have pre-populated this information for you. If you do not use SCLS for your TECH, please use the DPI Instructions


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SECTION XIII (Self-Directed Actvities)

#1 (Self-Directed Activities) Please see the DPI instructions for more information. Do not include the Summer Library Program as a whole or its registration number in this section. More information about self-directed activities is available here.


SECTION XIV (Public Library Assurance of Compliance with System Membership Requirements)

Read and review the statements carefully and indicate those that are being met by your library. Unchecked requirements indicate noncompliance. If there is a problem with a compliance issue, non-complying libraries will be required to complete steps necessary to attain compliance with all statutory requirements as soon as possible. Please notice that "online resources" has replaced "electronic databases" in the same services requirement for public libraries.

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SECTION XV (Certification and Statement Concerning System Effectiveness)

This report is mandated by state statute and must be approved by your library board and signed by your board president as well as by the library director. The section for Certification appears when you click on Print in the upper right-hand corner of the LibPAS electronic form to generate a PDF of your report, and it says: "I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information in this annual report and any attachments are true and accurate and the library board has reviewed and approved this report." Please note that this statement refers to the entire report, not just Section XIV (Public Library Assurance of Compliance).

The Statement Concerning System Effectiveness can be submitted either online or on the paper form and then mailed to the DPI. Please note that the deadline for the DPI receiving the completed Statement is the same (Feb. 29, 2024) no matter which format you select. As in the past, we encourage inclusion of the statement with the signed copy of the annual report.

You may need to reschedule your library board meeting or make other special arrangements in order to meet the required annual report deadlines.

For more information, contact: Tracie Miller