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Handouts and planning sheets for early literacy library programs




Early Literacy Begins with you handout - Created by Shawn Brommer (South Central Library System), this handout is based on the revised Every Child Ready to Read, "Talk, Sing, Read, Write, Play" early literacy skills. (Word)

Storytime planning sheets- Created by Kelly Verheyden (Madison Public Library) and Joan Laurion (Dane County UW - Extension), these planning sheets help librarians incorporate literacy skills in library programs for babies, toddlers, and 3 - 6 year-olds. (PDF)

Early Literacy Observation sheets -link to .pdf checklists for peer program observation from Every Child Ready to Read.

Literacy handouts for parents and caregivers- created by Joan Laurion (Dane County UW - Extension), print off these handouts to send home with parents and caregivers as a reminder of literacy skills discussed in library programs. (PDF)

Literacy hints of the day - Created by Shawn Brommer (South Central Library System), share these messages about literacy skills with parents and caregivers during baby and toddler library programs. (PDF)

  • Examples of literacy hints (use in brochures, parent workshops or displays)
  • Taking it home handout - example and template

What can I say to parents? - Created by Saroj Ghoting (PLA trainer), these messages for parents are organized by literacy skill and storytime component. (PDF)

Handouts for parents from the Early Literacy Initiative for Wisconsin Libraries (Division for Libraries, Technology and Community Learning) - Created by Barbara Huntington (DLTCL).  The Handouts for parents are written at a fourth grade reading level to assist libraries in their outreach to parents with low literacy levels.  Handouts are available in English and Spanish.  (PDF)

Parenting Newsletters developed by University of Wisconsin - Extension Family Living Educators.  The newsletters address issues of parenting 0 - 3 year old children, grandparents as parents and helping children learn self-care skills.  Available in English and Spanish.

Zero to Three reproducible articles and handouts for parents.  Camera-ready materials that libraries, child care centers and non-profit organizations can photocopy and distribute to parents and caregivers.

Reading Tips for Parents reproducible brochures in English and Spanish developed by the Colorado State Library

Kindergarten Readiness reproducible brochures in English and Spanish developed by the Colorado State Library

Born to Read:  How to Raise a Reader brochure in Spanish:  “Nací para Leer:  Cómo Criar un Lector.”  Featured is a book list of titles available in Spanish. Also, current early literacy information is detailed in a format easy for parents to review, including tips for sharing books with their baby.

Free reproducible language and literacy activities in English and Spanish from Washington Learning Systems for parents and caregivers.

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