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Wisconsin Libraries' Distribution Service

What it is

Wisconsin Libraries Distribution Service provides distribution of informational materials from libraries, educational institutions, government, and non-profit agencies to members of the Wisconsin Libraries Delivery Service Network.  Distribution takes place via the delivery services of the 17 Wisconsin Public Library Systems.

How it works

Distribution requests require prior authorization.  For information on shipment authorization, cost structure, clarification on requirements for shipment preparation, or any other questions, please contact Brad Guenther, SCLS Delivery Special Requests Supervisor, (608) 266-6039 or by e-mail.

Shipments can be customized for local, regional, or statewide distribution to public and academic libraries.  See the descriptions below for further information on requirements for each type of library distribution.

Senders are required to prepare items for shipment based on the packaging and labeling requirements for each type of distribution. Public library system delivery services are not obligated to further process distribution materials, and any shipments that are not properly prepared may be returned to the sender for additional labeling or packaging.

Prepared shipments can be sent to SCLS Delivery using one of the following three options:

  1. Materials can be dropped off at the SCLS Delivery building in Madison with no associated fee. 
  2. For senders outside of Madison, arrangements can be made with a local Wisconsin Libraries Delivery Service network member to send the materials to SCLS Delivery.  Please note that this option requires authorization from the network member as well as the local library system delivery service.
  3. SCLS Delivery can arrange to pick-up materials for a minimum $25 fee.  Costs may vary depending on pick-up location and volume of shipment.

Public Library Distribution Shipment Preparation

Public Libraries By System
System Name # of Libraries
Bridges LS
Kenosha County LS
Manitowoc-Calumet LS
Milwaukee County FLS
Monarch LS
Nicolet FLS
Northern Waters LS
Outagamie-Waupaca LS
Prairie Lakes LS
South Central LS
Southwest Wisconsin LS
Winding Rivers LS
Winnefox LS
Wisconsin Valley LS
Map of Wisconsin outlining library system borders

Distribution items must be divided into shipping units for each public library system based on the number of libraries in the system (see table at right).  It is recommended that senders ship at least one copy (or bundle of copies) of the item to each library in a given system. In this case, labeling of individual items is not required.  

Distributions of a more limited geographic scope within systems are possible, but require additional labeling. Contact Brad Guenther for further information on these requirements.

Multiple items or multiple copies of an item must be bundled together by an appropriate method (paper clips, rubber bands, etc.). System delivery staff are not obligated to count out or bundle items for individual libraries. 

The materials for each system should be packaged as appropriate for the type of item being shipped (in boxes, envelopes, poster tubes, etc.).  Each package should have the name of the destination system prominently and legibly displayed on the outside of the package.  Multiple boxes for a system should be labeled as "Box 1 of 2, Box 2 of 2, etc."

A cover letter should also be sent within the shipping container for each system (or box 1 for multiple boxes).  The cover letter should include a description of the items for distribution, the name of the sending organization, contact information of the sender, and a request to distribute the items to public libraries within the system.

Public library distributions fall into one of three main categories depending upon the geographical scope of the shipment:

  1. "All-Library Mailing" - delivery to all 478 public libraries and branches throughout Wisconsin via the 17 Wisconsin Public Library Systems. 
  2. Selected systems only - delivery to all libraries within specific Wisconsin public library systems
  3. South Central Library System local distribution - delivery to selected libraries only within SCLS. Recommended for items of local interest. SCLS distributions can be further limited as follows:
    • All SCLS libraries - 65 total libraries and branches in Dane, Green, Sauk, Columbia, Adams, Wood, and Portage Counties
    • SCLS Southern Counties - 52 total libraries and branches in Dane, Green, Columbia, and Sauk Counties
    • SCLS Northern Tier Counties - 13 total libraries and branches in Adams, Wood, and Portage Counties
    • Dane County only - 29 total libraries and branches, including Madison Public Library
    • Madison Public Library only - 9 total libraries and branches

After all items are prepared for shipment, please fill out and submit the SCLS Delivery Public Library Distribution Request Form. SCLS Delivery staff will contact the sender to confirm distribution details and make any further arrangements.

Academic Library Distribution Shipment Preparation

Academic Libraries By Type
Type of library # of Libraries
Private Colleges
UW System Campuses
UW-Madison Campus Libraries
Technical Colleges

Academic library distributions should be limited to items of interest for academic libraries and their patrons.  Wisconsin academic libraries are divided into four main types: private colleges, University of Wisconsin System campuses, UW-Madison campus libraries, and technical colleges.

Items for academic library distribution must be individually labeled.  Each label should contain the name of the library as well as the name of the delivery hub or system which provides delivery service to the library. Please refer to the list of academic libraries for routing label information.  Senders may limit distributions to any type of library or selection of libraries from the list.

Senders can prepare their own labels or use the standard "pink" routing label template (PDF) to create and print the delivery routing labels.  The name of the library system or delivery hub should be placed in the "To:" field and the name of the library in the "For:" field.

Multiple items or multiple copies of an item must be bundled together by an appropriate method (paper clips, rubber bands, etc.). System delivery staff are not obligated to count out or bundle items for individual libraries. 

A cover letter is recommended for each item.  The cover letter should include a description of the item, the name of the sending organization, and the contact information of the sender.

All items can be packaged together as appropriate for the type of item being shipped (in boxes, envelopes, poster tubes, etc.) and delivered to SCLS Delivery.  The label "Academic Library Distribution" should be prominently added on the outside of the package.  Multiple packages for an academic library distribution should be labeled as "Box 1 of 2, Box 2 of 2, etc."

After all items are prepared for shipment, please fill out and submit the SCLS Delivery Academic Library Distribution Request Form. SCLS Delivery staff will contact the sender to confirm distribution details and make any further arrangements.

For more information, contact: