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Drupal 9 migration - What Libraries Can Expect

This is an overview of library website migrations steps.


  • This is a BIG project.
    Library staff will be asked to participate in prep work, testing, settings/configuration changes, and cleanup to help move this project forward.
  • Changes will be kept to a minimum.
    Where possible, we’d like to migrate sites as they look now. A handful of sites have theming in place that will require an update – if this is the case for your site, we may ask if there are minor cosmetic changes you’d like (adjustments to colors, fonts, etc) as we make the required theming updates.
  • There are a million details.
    There will be some things that may be missed or work differently despite planning and testing. We ask for your patience and flexibility.
  • Some new features may not be implemented until all libraries' websites have been upgraded.
  • After the library upgrades are complete, SCLS staff will upgrade other SCLS-hosted sites (SCLS, Foundation, Trustee Training Week, etc).

Library "Migration" week

Leading up to Migration week

  • Rose/Kerri shares links to training materials, recorded webinars/videos.
  • Library staff members review training materials.
  • Rose meets with library staff to answer questions, discuss possible adjustments, and review the checklist the library staff will be working on. A handful of sites have theming in place that will require an update – if this is the case for your site, we may ask if there are minor cosmetic changes you’d like (adjustments to colors, fonts, etc) as we make the required theming updates.
  • Library staff run through a checklist provided by SCLS.  The checklist will probably sound a lot like, “Look at X,Y,Z;  delete X,Y,Z; check these settings…”
  • Plan for 2 weeks of staff working through the checklist (actual time spent might be a few days of work).
  • The steps on the checklist should be completed prior to Migration week.

Migration week

  • There will be a CONTENT FREEZE for the library website. If changes are absolutely necessary, any changes made should be recorded so library staff can duplicate them once the Drupal 9 site is live.
  • No big updates should be made to the live site.
  • Rose will migrate content from a copy of the library's website to a new Drupal 9 site on our development server.
  • Once the site is on the development server, Rose will provide a link and directions for staff to check the site.

After Migration week - prepare for the site to go live

  • Library staff will check the migrated content on the development server and report any issues.
  • Smaller issues might be easily fixable. Bigger issues might require Rose to make changes and migrate the content again and the library staff to re-check the migrated content.
  • When everything looks good, Rose will put the development site into production
  • Library staff may resume content creation and editing.
  • Unexpected things will crop up!  Library staff will report any issues they run across.
For more information, contact: