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Guidelines and Procedures for Adding new Databases through WiLS


  1. WiLS will arrange a database trial at the request of interested SCLS libraries. A trial will include databases with similar subject coverage.
    • Databases currently available through WiLS can be trialed at any time by individual libraries.
    • Comparative trials of databases with similar subject content will be conducted in August each year. 
    • Libraries wishing to trial a database may ask for interest from other libraries through personal contacts or SCLS email lists.
  2. To request a trial, contact WiLS, and include a list of interested libraries and contact names with your request. 
  3. WiLS will inform SCLS of technical issues relating to the databases, which Tech Team staff at SCLS will discuss.  Databases requiring certain plug-ins MAY not be able to be obtained.
  4. WiLS will be responsible for vendor negotiations and pricing information of databases and will bill libraries for their share of the costs. 
  5. SCLS will be responsible for authentication for databases that libraries subscribe to through WiLS. Vendor requirements and SCLS staff availability will determine authentication setup time. Authentication is generally done in two ways:
    • Referring URL and IP address. This method is free and can be set up in a relatively short time frame.
    • SIP authentication. The setup for this method costs $1200. The subscribing library is responsible for:
      • Paying the initial setup fee OR
      • Finding other subscribing libraries to contribute to the initial setup fee OR
      • Asking the ILS Committee to fund the setup fee
      • NOTE: Resources requiring SIP authentication require a longer setup time. Please notify SCLS at least four (4 months) prior to the subscription start date. For example,  if you are starting a subscription on January 1, please notify SCLS by September 1 to ensure that authentication is ready.
  6. SCLS Tech Team staff will discuss any technical issues relating to databases and MAY reject databases with requirements that will cause technical difficulties.
  7. See Database Renewals Timeline and Commitment page for more information.
  8. If subscribing to databases not offered through WiLS, please contact the Help Desk to discuss authentication options.



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